Androsace elongata subsp. acuta

California androsace


State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5?T3T4
CNDDB Rank: S3S4

13 current natural populations

  • Small Populations
  • Declining


Flowers February - April
  • Grassland (Annual or Perennial)
  • Open Dry Slope


  • Androsace acuta
  • Androsace occidentalis var. acuta
(c) Matt Berger (CC BY)
(c) Damon Tighe (CC BY-NC)
(c) jrebman (CC BY-NC)
(c) Fred Melgert / Carla Hoegen (CC BY-NC)
(c) Fred Melgert / Carla Hoegen (CC BY-NC)


LocationPop IDLast RecordedNotes
Lawrence Livermore Lab, Site 300, Corral Hollow142021-12-31
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd152022-03-05
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd202023-04-22
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side72014-04-24
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side212023-03-18
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side222023-03-11
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side232024-03-10
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side242024-03-10
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side92005-03-06
Patterson Pass172015-04-15
San Francisco Water District land, Sunol182012-12-31
Tesla, Corral Hollow132016-03-02
Vasco Hills192010-03-29
Berkeley Hills41903-02-22Historic
Cedar Mountain51993-04-10Historic
Claremont Canyon Rgnl Park11902-03-14Historic
Clayton area121896-02-28Historic
Grizzly Peak - other or unknown sites31902-04-21Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side81932-03-12Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo101993-04-18Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo111935-04-22Historic
Shell Ridge61928-03-04Historic
Siesta Valley, Upper - EBMUD land21902-04-05Historic
Tarraville Creek, Mines Rd161995-12-31Historic