Scientific Name | Notes | Rarity Ranks | Common Name |
Atriplex coronata var. coronata | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | crownscale | |
Cicendia quadrangularis | CNPS-EB: A2 | timwort | |
Eryngium spinosepalum | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | ||
Eschscholzia rhombipetala | CNPS-EB: *A1 State CNPS: 1B.1 | diamond-petaled California poppy | |
Extriplex joaquinana | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | San Joaquin spearscale, San Joaquin saltbush | |
Layia chrysanthemoides | CNPS-EB: A2 | smooth layia | |
Microseris acuminata | CNPS-EB: A1 | Sierra Foothills microseris | |
Microseris douglasii subsp. tenella | (subsp douglasii is more common) | CNPS-EB: A2 | silver puffs |
Myosurus sessilis | CNPS-EB: A2 | sessile mouse-tail | |
Navarretia cotulifolia | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | cotula navarretia | |
Plagiobothrys humistratus | CNPS-EB: A2 | low popcornflower, dwarf allocarya | |
Pogogyne zizyphoroides | CNPS-EB: A2 | Sacramento beardstyle | |
Psilocarphus oregonus | CNPS-EB: A2 | Oregon woollyheads, Oregon woolly-marbles | |
Puccinellia simplex | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | little alkali grass | |
Spergularia macrotheca var. longistyla | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | large-flowered sand spurry | |
Allium crispum | CNPS-EB: A1 | crinkled onion | |
Amsinckia eastwoodiae | CNPS-EB: A1 | Eastwood's fiddleneck | |
Astragalus didymocarpus var. didymocarpus | (A. gambelianus is more common | CNPS-EB: A1 | two-seeded milkvetch |
Astragalus tener var. tener | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | alkali milkvetch | |
Athysanus unilateralis | (formerly Heterodraba unilateralis) | CNPS-EB: A1 | heterodraba |
Atriplex depressa | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | brittlescale | |
Berberis aquifolium var. dictyota | CNPS-EB: A1 | Jepson's mahonia | |
Bidens laevis | CNPS-EB: A2 | bur-marigold | |
Blepharizonia plumosa | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.1 | big tarplant | |
Collinsia bartsiifolia var. bartsiifolia | CNPS-EB: A1x | white Chinese houses | |
Crassula solieri | (C. connata and aquatica are more common) | CNPS-EB: A1x | pygmy-weed |
Delphinium recurvatum | CNPS-EB: *A1x State CNPS: 1B.2 | recurved larkspur | |
Downingia bella | CNPS-EB: A1x | Hoover's downingia | |
Downingia insignis | CNPS-EB: A1 | cupped downingia | |
Downingia ornatissima var. mirabilis | (historical-1956; formerly D. ornatissima var. eximia) | CNPS-EB: A1x | Solano downingia |
Erythranthe latidens | (formerly Mimulus latidens) | CNPS-EB: A1 | broad-toothed monkeyflower |
Eschscholzia caespitosa | CNPS-EB: A1 | tufted poppy | |
Fritillaria agrestis | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | stinkbells | |
Hordeum jubatum subsp. jubatum | CNPS-EB: A2 | foxtail barley, squirreltail barley | |
Lasthenia conjugens | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.1 FESA Status: FE | Contra Costa goldfields | |
Lasthenia fremontii | CNPS-EB: A1 | Fremont's goldfields | |
Lasthenia glabrata subsp. glabrata | CNPS-EB: A2 | yellow-ray goldfields | |
Lasthenia minor | CNPS-EB: A1 | coastal goldfields, woolly goldfields | |
Lasthenia platycarpha | CNPS-EB: A1 | alkali goldfields | |
Layia glandulosa | (historical-1983 but not seen | CNPS-EB: A1x | white layia |
Leptochloa fusca subsp. fascicularis | CNPS-EB: A2 | bearded sprangletop | |
Leptosiphon liniflorus | (formerly Linanthus l.) | CNPS-EB: A1 | flax-flowered linanthus, flax-flowered leptosiphon |
Lessingia pectinata var. tenuipes | CNPS-EB: A2 | valley lessingia | |
Limnanthes douglasii subsp. rosea | CNPS-EB: A1x | meadowfoam | |
Microseris campestris | CNPS-EB: A1 | San Joaquin microseris | |
Microseris elegans | CNPS-EB: A1 | elegant microseris | |
Monolopia lanceolata | CNPS-EB: A1 | common hillside daisy, common monolopia | |
Myosurus minimus subsp. apus | CNPS-EB: *A1? State CNPS: 3.1 | little mousetail | |
Nuttallanthus texanus | CNPS-EB: A2 | blue toadflax | |
Phalaris lemmonii | CNPS-EB: A1 | Lemmon's canary-grass | |
Pilularia americana | CNPS-EB: A1 | pillwort | |
Plagiobothrys leptocladus | CNPS-EB: A1 | alkali plagiobothrys | |
Quercus palmeri | CNPS-EB: A2 | Palmer's oak | |
Senecio aphanactis | CNPS-EB: *A1x State CNPS: 1B.2 | chaparral ragwort, rayless ragwort | |
Tropidocarpum capparideum | CNPS-EB: *A1 State CNPS: 1B.1 | caper-fruited tropidocarpum | |
Allenrolfea occidentalis | CNPS-EB: B-PV | iodine bush | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | CNPS-EB: C | bugloss-flowered fiddleneck, bugloss fiddleneck | |
Astragalus asymmetricus | CNPS-EB: C | San Joaquin locoweeed | |
Atriplex argentea var. expansa | CNPS-EB: B | silverscale | |
Brodiaea terrestris subsp. terrestris | CNPS-EB: B-PV | dwarf brodiaea | |
Lepidium acutidens | CNPS-EB: C | sharp-toothed pepper-grass | |
Lepidium dictyotum | CNPS-EB: B | alkali pepper-grass | |
Montia fontana | CNPS-EB: B-PV | water chickweed, blinks, water chickweed | |
Muilla maritima | CNPS-EB: B | common muilla | |
Myosurus minimus subsp. minimus | CNPS-EB: B-PV | common mouse-tail | |
Plagiobothrys acanthocarpus | CNPS-EB: B-PV | adobe popcornflower, adobe allocarya | |
Plagiobothrys fulvus var. campestris | CNPS-EB: B | field popcornflower, fulvous popcornflower | |
Plantago elongata | CNPS-EB: B-PV | annual coast plantain | |
Stachys albens | CNPS-EB: B | white hedge nettle | |
Suaeda nigra | (formerly S. moquinii) | CNPS-EB: B | bush seepweed |
Trifolium depauperatum var. depauperatum | (vars. amplectens and truncatu | CNPS-EB: B | dwarf sack clover |
Alopecurus saccatus | CNPS-EB: B | Howell's meadow foxtail | |
Atriplex fruticulosa | CNPS-EB: B | ballscale, little oak orach, ball saltbush | |
Bidens frondosa | CNPS-EB: B | sticktight | |
Blennosperma nanum var. nanum | CNPS-EB: C | blennosperma | |
Camissoniopsis micrantha | CNPS-EB: B-PV | small primrose | |
Downingia pulchella | CNPS-EB: B | flat-faced downingia | |
Eriogonum gracile var. gracile | CNPS-EB: C | slender woolly wild buckwheat, slender buckwheat | |
Gilia capitata subsp. staminea | CNPS-EB: B-PV | blue field gilia | |
Holocarpha obconica | CNPS-EB: B | San Joaquin tarplant | |
Layia platyglossa | CNPS-EB: B-PV | tidy-tips | |
Lepidium latipes | CNPS-EB: B-PV | dwarf peppergrass | |
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifolium | CNPS-EB: B | caraway-leaved lomatium | |
Mentzelia affinis | CNPS-EB: B | hydra stick-leaf | |
Monolopia major | CNPS-EB: B | cupped monolopia | |
Phacelia ciliata | CNPS-EB: B | Great Valley phacelia, Great Valley phacelia | |
Phacelia tanacetifolia | CNPS-EB: B | tansy phacelia | |
Plagiobothrys canescens var. canescens | CNPS-EB: C | valley popcornflower | |
Plagiobothrys tenellus | CNPS-EB: B | Pacific popcornflower, slender popcornflower | |
Plagiobothrys trachycarpus | CNPS-EB: C | rough-nutlet popcornflower, rough-fruited allocarya | |
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus | CNPS-EB: B | dwarf woollyheads, dwarf woolly-marbles | |
Salix gooddingii | CNPS-EB: B | Goodding's black willow | |
Symphyotrichum subulatum var. parviflorum | (formerly Aster subulatus var. | CNPS-EB: B | slim aster |
Trifolium fucatum | CNPS-EB: B | bull clover | |
Triglochin scilloides | CNPS-EB: C | flowering-quillwort |