Scientific Name | Notes | Rarity Ranks | Common Name |
Amaranthus palmeri | CNPS-EB: A1x | Palmer's amaranth | |
Atriplex serenana var. serenana | CNPS-EB: A1 | bractscale | |
Centromadia parryi subsp. congdonii | (formerly Hemizonia p. ssp. c. | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.1 | Congdon's tarplant |
Chenopodium berlandieri var. unknown | Split into 2 varieties. Sites need to be surveyed to determine vars.. | CNPS-EB: A2? | pitseed goosefoot |
Chenopodium rubrum var. unknown | CNPS-EB: A1? | red pigweed, red goosefoot | |
Cuscuta indecora var. indecora | CNPS-EB: A1x | large-seeded dodder, pretty dodder | |
Eryngium jepsonii | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | ||
Extriplex joaquinana | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | San Joaquin spearscale, San Joaquin saltbush | |
Layia chrysanthemoides | CNPS-EB: A2 | smooth layia | |
Navarretia prostrata | CNPS-EB: *A1 State CNPS: 1B.2 | prostrate vernal pool navarretia | |
Plagiobothrys glaber | CNPS-EB: *A1 State CNPS: 1A | hairless popcornflower | |
Psilocarphus oregonus | CNPS-EB: A2 | Oregon woollyheads, Oregon woolly-marbles | |
Stachys ajugoides | (var. rigida is more common) | CNPS-EB: A2 | bugle hedge nettle |
Trifolium hydrophilum | (vars. amplectens and truncatu | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | saline clover |
Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum | CNPS-EB: A1 | leafy California buckwheat, California buckwheat | |
Gilia capitata subsp. capitata | CNPS-EB: A1 | blue field gilia | |
Lasthenia glabrata subsp. glabrata | CNPS-EB: A2 | yellow-ray goldfields | |
Limosella acaulis | CNPS-EB: A1 | southern mudwort | |
Lithophragma bolanderi | CNPS-EB: A1 | Bolander starflower | |
Alisma triviale | (formerly A. plantago-aquatica | CNPS-EB: C | water plantain |
Amaranthus californicus | CNPS-EB: B | Californian amaranth | |
Anemopsis californica | CNPS-EB: B | yerba mansa, lizard tail | |
Berula erecta | CNPS-EB: C | cutleaf water-parsnip | |
Bolboschoenus maritimus subsp. paludosus | (formerly Scirpus m.) | CNPS-EB: C | bulrush |
Carex barbarae | CNPS-EB: C | whiteroot sedge, Santa Barbara sedge, St. Barbara's sedge | |
Deschampsia danthonioides | CNPS-EB: B-PV | annual hair grass | |
Downingia pulchella | CNPS-EB: B | flat-faced downingia | |
Epilobium campestre | CNPS-EB: B | smooth boisduvalia | |
Euphorbia serpillifolia subsp. serpillifolia | CNPS-EB: C | thyme-leaved spurge | |
Festuca idahoensis | CNPS-EB: B-PV | Idaho fescue, blue bunchgrass | |
Fraxinus latifolia | CNPS-EB: B | Oregon ash | |
Lathyrus jepsonii var. californicus | CNPS-EB: B | buff pea | |
Lepidium latipes | CNPS-EB: B-PV | dwarf peppergrass | |
Persicaria lapathifolia | (formerly Polygonum lapathifol | CNPS-EB: B | willow weed |
Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. stipitatus | (var. micranthus is more commo | CNPS-EB: C | showy great valley popcornflower, stipitate allocarya |
Plagiobothrys trachycarpus | CNPS-EB: C | rough-nutlet popcornflower, rough-fruited allocarya | |
Plantago elongata | CNPS-EB: B-PV | annual coast plantain | |
Pleuropogon californicus var. californicus | CNPS-EB: B-PV | semaphore grass | |
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus | CNPS-EB: B | dwarf woollyheads, dwarf woolly-marbles | |
Rumex transitorius | CNPS-EB: B | willow dock | |
Salix gooddingii | CNPS-EB: B | Goodding's black willow | |
Stebbinsoseris heterocarpa | CNPS-EB: C | grassland silverpuffs, derived microseris | |
Stipa pulchra | CNPS-EB: B-PV | purple needlegrass | |
Trifolium barbigerum | CNPS-EB: B | bearded clover | |
Triglochin scilloides | CNPS-EB: C | flowering-quillwort | |
Triphysaria versicolor subsp. faucibarbata | CNPS-EB: B | smooth owl's-clover | |
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifolium | CNPS-EB: B | caraway-leaved lomatium | |
Trifolium fucatum | CNPS-EB: B | bull clover |