Delphinium hesperium subsp. hesperium

western larkspur


Flowers March - June
  • Woodland
(c) James Bailey (CC BY-NC)
(c) Ulysses M (CC BY-NC)
(c) mepilot1 (CC BY-NC)
(c) Tony Loftin (CC BY-NC)
(c) Tony Loftin (CC BY-NC)


LocationPop IDLast RecordedNotes
Black Diamond - Sommersville22015-04-09
Lime Ridge area222004-05-01
Los Vaqueros Watershed152004-04-06
Morgan Territory Rgnl Park132024-06-05
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side62022-04-17
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side72011-06-20
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side112006-06-13
Mt. Diablo State Park - West of Mt. Zion82003-05-08
Mt. Wanda, Martinez182002-05-24
Round Valley Rgnl Park142021-04-28
Tilden Rgnl Park - San Pablo Ridge202021-05-17
Vasco Hills172010-05-19
Black Diamond Rgnl Preserve11998-05-13Historic
Horse Valley - W of Brentwood, S of Antioch161998-12-31Historic
Lawrence Livermore Lab, Site 300, Corral Hollow31986-12-31Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side41996-04-14Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side51993-05-08Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side92000-05-16Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side101995-05-29Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - West side121938-05-25Historic
Sand Creek212002-12-31ID Uncertain
Siesta Valley, Upper - EBMUD land191995-12-31Historic