Eriogonum umbellatum var. bahiiforme

Small's sulphur flower, bay buckwheat


State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5T3
CNDDB Rank: S3

14 current natural populations

  • Limited/Threatened Habitat


Flowers July - September
  • Rock, Tallus, Scree
  • Serpentine or Serpentine-derived soils


  • Eriogonum polyanthum var. bahiiforme
  • Eriogonum stellatum var. bahiiforme
  • Eriogonum trichotomum
  • Eriogonum umbellatum subsp. bahiiforme
(c) Liam O'Brien (CC BY-NC)
(c) Richard Hasegawa (CC BY-NC)
(c) Morgan Stickrod (CC BY-NC)
(c) Morgan Stickrod (CC BY-NC)
(c) Morgan Stickrod (CC BY-NC)


LocationPop IDLast RecordedNotes
Cedar Mountain12005-07-16
Los Vaqueros Watershed92022-04-10
Morgan Territory - other or unknown sites72005-04-30
Morgan Territory - other or unknown sites82005-05-29
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side152023-03-18
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side162023-03-11
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo22021-06-12
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo32009-06-16
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo42009-06-16
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo52020-06-06
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo62014-12-31
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness122024-08-02
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness142020-04-24
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness172021-04-08
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd101996-12-31Historic
Man Ridge, Mines Rd.111985-12-31Historic
Niles Canyon area131888-12-31Historic