Galium andrewsii subsp. gatense

phlox-leaf serpentine bedstraw, serpentine bedstraw


State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5T3
CNDDB Rank: S3

29 current natural populations


Flowers April - June
  • Chaparral
  • Serpentine or Serpentine-derived soils
  • Woodland

All Galium


  • Galium andrewsii var. gatense
(c) Dan Antonaccio (CC BY-NC)
(c) Ken-ichi Ueda (CC BY)
(c) Cat Chang (CC BY-NC)
(c) steve-beatty (CC BY-NC)
(c) eeya (CC BY-NC)


LocationPop IDLast RecordedNotes
Black Diamond Rgnl Preserve12003-12-31
Cedar Mountain22004-06-15
Cedar Mountain452004-06-15
Chaparral Springs - S of Clayton132003-12-31
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd32023-04-29
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd502024-04-14
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd522024-05-19
Los Vaqueros Watershed102003-03-08
Morgan Territory Rgnl Park122023-03-20
Morgan Territory Rgnl Park512024-05-30
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side182005-07-01
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side202002-05-06
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side312021-04-23
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo222003-03-21
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo232003-03-21
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo242022-06-17
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo252009-06-16
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo262009-06-16
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo272021-04-23
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo492022-05-12
Mt. Diablo State Park - West of Mt. Zion332003-05-08
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness82021-04-27
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness442022-05-17
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness462022-05-16
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness472022-05-17
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness482021-04-27
Round Valley Rgnl Park402021-04-17
Sunol Rgnl Wilderness432022-05-06
Tesla, Corral Hollow52016-05-26
Clayton Ranch - SE of Clayton, EBRPD141999-12-31Historic
Diablo Foothills Rgnl Park151995-12-31Historic
Fremont Flatlands and Hills421991-12-31ID Uncertain
Morgan Territory Rgnl Park111992-03-14Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side341996-04-14Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side351996-04-14Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side161993-04-04Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side171991-04-06Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side191945-12-31Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side211995-05-08Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side371997-12-31Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - South side381994-12-31Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo281995-05-08Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo291996-04-14Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo301965-05-02Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo391950-07-05Historic
Mt. Diablo State Park - West side321994-12-31Historic
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness61992-05-24Historic
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness71998-04-10Historic
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness, private land nearby92000-08-29Historic
Skyline Serpentine Prairie, Redwood Rgnl Park411990-05-19ID Uncertain
Tarraville Creek, Mines Rd41997-05-10Historic