Leptosiphon ambiguus

serpentine leptosiphon, serpentine linanthus


State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4

22 current natural populations

  • Limited/Threatened Habitat
  • N Limit


Flowers April - May
  • Grassland (Annual or Perennial)
  • Serpentine or Serpentine-derived soils


  • Linanthus ambiguus


LocationPop IDLast RecordedNotes
Calaveras Reservoir, SFWD52013-12-31
Cedar Mountain12012-05-19
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd22023-04-30
Los Mochos Boy Scout Camp, Mines Rd302023-04-29
Mines Road/Arryo Mocho32024-05-06
Mt. Diablo State Park - East side222005-05-06
Mt. Diablo State Park - North side192005-04-26
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo212014-05-11
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness92024-04-19
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness102002-04-27
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness112020-05-23
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness122021-04-22
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness142023-06-09
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness172013-12-31
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness242021-04-30
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness272022-05-16
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness282022-05-17
Sunol Rgnl Wilderness72024-04-24
Sunol Rgnl Wilderness232021-05-01
Sunol Rgnl Wilderness252021-04-12
Sunol Rgnl Wilderness262021-04-12
Tarraville Creek, Mines Rd42016-06-02
Mt. Diablo State Park - Summit and Upper area - 2500 ft and abo201991-04-28Historic
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness131995-06-02Historic
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness151992-05-24Historic
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness161998-04-27Historic
Ohlone Rgnl Wilderness181996-05-06Historic
San Francisco Water District land, Sunol61997-04-13Historic
Sunol Rgnl Wilderness81993-05-22Historic