Scientific Name | Notes | Rarity Ranks | Common Name | Num Pops |
Aristida oligantha | Questionable ID at Los Vaqueros. Needs research | CNPS-EB: A1? | oldfield three-awn | 0 |
Calamagrostis koelerioides | 2 questionable ID sites. Needs field research | CNPS-EB: A1? | tufted pine grass | 0 |
Chenopodium berlandieri var. unknown | Split into 2 varieties. Sites need to be surveyed to determine vars.. | CNPS-EB: A2? | pitseed goosefoot | 1 |
Chenopodium berlandieri var. zschackei | CNPS-EB: A1? | |||
Chenopodium rubrum var. unknown | CNPS-EB: A1? | red pigweed, red goosefoot | 2 | |
Clarkia purpurea subsp. unknown | CNPS-EB: A1? | clarkia | ||
Collinsia bartsiifolia var. stricta | Highly unlikely it occurs here. Only 1 population but ID is very questionable | CNPS-EB: A1? | white Chinese houses | 0 |
Collinsia bartsiifolia var. unknown | CNPS-EB: A1? | white Chinese houses | 0 | |
Dichelostemma volubile | 2 questionable ID sites. Needs field research | CNPS-EB: A1? | twining brodiaea, snake lily | 0 |
Eastwoodia elegans | Unclear if it occurs here | CNPS-EB: A1? | yellow mock aster | 0 |
Ephedra californica | 2 questionable ID sites. Needs field research | CNPS-EB: A1? | desert tea, Mormon tea | 0 |
Ephedra viridis | Questionable ID. Needs field research | CNPS-EB: A1? | green ephedra | 0 |
Erythranthe floribunda | (formerly Mimulus floribundus) | CNPS-EB: A1? | floriferous monkeyflower | 0 |
Gilia capitata subsp. unknown | CNPS-EB: A1? | blue field gilia | 0 | |
Hesperolinon tehamense | 3 questionable ID sites. Needs field research | CNPS-EB: *A1? State CNPS: 1B.3 | Napa western flax | 0 |
Hosackia oblongifolia var. oblongifolia | Unclear if it occurs in the East Bay | CNPS-EB: A1? | narrow-leaved lotus | 0 |
Juncus ensifolius | Unclear if it occurs in East Bay | CNPS-EB: A1? | dagger rush, swordleaved rush, three-stamened rush | 0 |
Juncus phaeocephalus var. unknown | CNPS-EB: A2? | brown-headed rush | 2 | |
Lupinus littoralis var. variicolor | (formerly L. variicolor) | CNPS-EB: A1? | bluff lupine | 0 |
Myosurus minimus subsp. apus | CNPS-EB: *A1? State CNPS: 3.1 | little mousetail | 0 | |
Navarretia nigelliformis subsp. nigelliformis | CNPS-EB: *A2? State CNPS: 4.2 | adobe navarretia | 0 | |
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. multiflorus | May not occur in EastBay (var. brevissimus is more common | CNPS-EB: *A1? State CNPS: 4.2 | delta woolly-marbles | 0 |
Ribes amarum | CNPS-EB: A1? | bitter gooseberry | 0 | |
Rumex salicifolius var. unknown | CNPS-EB: A2? | willow dock | 0 | |
Spergularia macrotheca var. unknown | CNPS-EB: A2? | large-flowered sand spurry | 1 | |
Stachys bullata | CNPS-EB: A1? | California hedge nettle | 0 | |
Toxicoscordion paniculatum | May not occur in East Bay (formerly Zigadenus paniculatum) | CNPS-EB: A1? | panicled zygadene | 0 |