Livermore - all locations


Scientific NameNotesRarity RanksCommon Name
Allenrolfea occidentalisCNPS-EB: B-PViodine bush
Alopecurus saccatusCNPS-EB: BHowell's meadow foxtail
Amaranthus blitoidesCNPS-EB: Cprocumbent pigweed, prostrate amaranth
Amaranthus californicusCNPS-EB: BCalifornian amaranth
Anemopsis californicaCNPS-EB: Byerba mansa, lizard tail
Aphyllon vallicolaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia broom-rape
Arthrocnemum subterminaleCNPS-EB: A2Parish's glasswort
Astragalus asymmetricusCNPS-EB: CSan Joaquin locoweeed
Astragalus tener var. tenerCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
alkali milkvetch
Atriplex argentea var. expansaCNPS-EB: Bsilverscale
Atriplex coronata var. coronataCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Atriplex depressaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Atriplex fruticulosaCNPS-EB: Bballscale, little oak orach, ball saltbush
Atriplex minusculaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Balsamorhiza macrolepisCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
big-scale balsamroot
Blennosperma nanum var. nanumCNPS-EB: Cblennosperma
Blepharizonia plumosaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1G2
CNDDB Rank: S1S2
big tarplant
Bolboschoenus maritimus subsp. paludosus(formerly Scirpus m.)CNPS-EB: Cbulrush
Brickellia californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia brickellbush, California brickellia
Brodiaea terrestris subsp. terrestrisCNPS-EB: B-PVdwarf brodiaea
Carex nudataCNPS-EB: Btorrent sedge
Centromadia parryi subsp. congdonii(formerly Hemizonia p. ssp. c.CNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G3T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Congdon's tarplant
Chloropyron molle subsp. hispidumCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G2T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
hispid salty bird's-beak, hispid bird's-beak
Chloropyron palmatumCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
CESA Status: CE
palmate salty bird's-beak, palmate-bracted bird's-beak
Corethrogyne filaginifolia(formerly Lessingia f. var. f.CNPS-EB: CCalifornia aster
Crassula aquaticaCNPS-EB: Bwater pygmy-weed
Datisca glomerataCNPS-EB: Cdurango root
Deinandra bacigalupii(formerly Hemizonia increscensCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
CESA Status: CE
Livermore tarplant
Deinandra lobbii(formerly Hemizonia l.)CNPS-EB: Cthree-rayed tarweed
Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. cespitosaCNPS-EB: B-PVtufted hairgrass
Deschampsia danthonioidesCNPS-EB: B-PVannual hair grass
Downingia cuspidataCNPS-EB: A1cuspidate downingia
Downingia pulchellaCNPS-EB: Bflat-faced downingia
Echinodorus berteroiCNPS-EB: A2burhead
Elatine californicaCNPS-EB: A1waterwort
Elymus multisetusCNPS-EB: B-PVbig squirreltail
Epilobium campestreCNPS-EB: Bsmooth boisduvalia
Ericameria arborescensCNPS-EB: B-PVgolden-fleece
Eriogonum gracile var. gracileCNPS-EB: Cslender woolly wild buckwheat, slender buckwheat
Eriogonum roseumCNPS-EB: A2wand wild buckwheat, virgate buckwheat
Eriogonum wrightii var. trachygonumCNPS-EB: Crough-node bastard-sage, Wright's eriogonum
Eryngium aristulatum var. aristulatumCNPS-EB: A2
Erythranthe latidens(formerly Mimulus latidens)CNPS-EB: A1broad-toothed monkeyflower
Euphorbia serpillifolia subsp. serpillifoliaCNPS-EB: Cthyme-leaved spurge
Extriplex joaquinanaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
San Joaquin spearscale, San Joaquin saltbush
Frangula californica subsp. tomentella(formerly Rhamnus t.)CNPS-EB: Bhoary coffeeberry
Fritillaria agrestisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Gutierrezia californicaCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia matchweed
Helianthus californicusCNPS-EB: BCalifornia sunflower
Hemizonia congesta subsp. lutescensCNPS-EB: Bhayfield tarweed
Heterotheca oregona var. scaberrimaCNPS-EB: A1Oregon goldenaster
Hoita macrostachyaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia hemp
Hordeum depressumCNPS-EB: Blow barley, alkali barley
Juncus phaeocephalus var. unknownCNPS-EB: A2?brown-headed rush
Laennecia coulteri(formerly Conyza c.)CNPS-EB: A2Coulter's horseweed, Coulter's conyza
Lastarriaea coriaceaCNPS-EB: A2leather-spineflower, lastarriaea
Lasthenia ferrisiaeCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Ferris' goldfields
Lasthenia fremontiiCNPS-EB: A1Fremont's goldfields
Lasthenia glaberrimaCNPS-EB: Bsmooth goldfields
Lasthenia glabrata subsp. glabrataCNPS-EB: A2yellow-ray goldfields
Layia platyglossaCNPS-EB: B-PVtidy-tips
Lepidium acutidensCNPS-EB: Csharp-toothed pepper-grass
Lepidium dictyotumCNPS-EB: Balkali pepper-grass
Lepidium latipesCNPS-EB: B-PVdwarf peppergrass
Lepidium oxycarpumCNPS-EB: A2sharp-podded pepper-grass
Leptochloa fusca subsp. uninerviaCNPS-EB: A1mexican sprangletop, dense-flowered sprangle-top
Leptosiphon liniflorus(formerly Linanthus l.)CNPS-EB: A1flax-flowered linanthus, flax-flowered leptosiphon
Lessingia nemacladaCNPS-EB: A2slender-stemmed lessignia
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifoliumCNPS-EB: Bcaraway-leaved lomatium
Mentha canadensisCNPS-EB: BAmerican cornmint, Japanese peppermint
Microseris campestrisCNPS-EB: A1San Joaquin microseris
Microseris douglasii subsp. tenella(subsp douglasii is more common)CNPS-EB: A2silver puffs
Mimetanthe pilosa(formerly Mimulus pilosus)CNPS-EB: Bdowny monkeyflower
Muilla maritimaCNPS-EB: Bcommon muilla
Myosurus minimus subsp. minimusCNPS-EB: B-PVcommon mouse-tail
Myosurus sessilisCNPS-EB: A2sessile mouse-tail
Navarretia cotulifoliaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
cotula navarretia
Navarretia prostrataCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
prostrate vernal pool navarretia
Nicotiana attenuataCNPS-EB: A1coyote tobacco
Nicotiana quadrivalvisCNPS-EB: Bindian tobacco
Nitrophila occidentalisCNPS-EB: A1nitrophila
Panicum capillareCNPS-EB: A2witch grass
Persicaria hydropiperoides(formerly Polygonum h.)CNPS-EB: A2false waterpepper, water-pepper
Persicaria lapathifolia(formerly Polygonum lapathifolCNPS-EB: Bwillow weed
Persicaria punctata(formerly Polygonum punctatum)CNPS-EB: Cwater smartweed
Phacelia ciliataCNPS-EB: BGreat Valley phacelia, Great Valley phacelia
Phalaris lemmoniiCNPS-EB: A1Lemmon's canary-grass
Pilularia americanaCNPS-EB: A1pillwort
Plagiobothrys acanthocarpusCNPS-EB: B-PVadobe popcornflower, adobe allocarya
Plagiobothrys canescens var. canescensCNPS-EB: Cvalley popcornflower
Plagiobothrys humistratusCNPS-EB: A2low popcornflower, dwarf allocarya
Plagiobothrys leptocladusCNPS-EB: A1alkali plagiobothrys
Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. stipitatus(var. micranthus is more commoCNPS-EB: Cshowy great valley popcornflower, stipitate allocarya
Plagiobothrys undulatusCNPS-EB: A2wavy-stemmed popcornflower, coast allocarya
Plantago elongataCNPS-EB: B-PVannual coast plantain
Pleuropogon californicus var. californicusCNPS-EB: B-PVsemaphore grass
Populus trichocarpa(formerly P. balsamifera var.CNPS-EB: Cblack cottonwood
Prunus emarginataCNPS-EB: Cbitter cherry
Pseudognaphalium beneolens(formerly Gnaphalium canescensCNPS-EB: Cfragrant everlasting
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimusCNPS-EB: Bdwarf woollyheads, dwarf woolly-marbles
Puccinellia simplexCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
little alkali grass
Quercus lobataCNPS-EB: Cvalley oak, roble
Rumex californicus(formerly R. salicifolius var. dentatus)CNPS-EB: B-PVwillow dock
Sagina decumbens subsp. occidentalis(S. apetala is more common)CNPS-EB: Bwestern pearlwort
Sesuvium verrucosumCNPS-EB: Bwestern sea-purslane, sea-purslane
Spergularia macrotheca var. longistylaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
large-flowered sand spurry
Sporobolus airoidesCNPS-EB: A1alkali sacaton
Stachys albensCNPS-EB: Bwhite hedge nettle
Stipa lepidaCNPS-EB: B-PVfoothill needlegrass
Stipa pulchraCNPS-EB: B-PVpurple needlegrass
Suaeda nigra(formerly S. moquinii)CNPS-EB: Bbush seepweed
Symphyotrichum subulatum var. parviflorum(formerly Aster subulatus var.CNPS-EB: Bslim aster
Trifolium barbigerumCNPS-EB: A2bearded clover
Trifolium depauperatum var. depauperatum(vars. amplectens and truncatuCNPS-EB: Bdwarf sack clover
Trifolium fucatumCNPS-EB: Bbull clover
Trifolium grayiCNPS-EB: A2Gray's clover
Trifolium hydrophilum(vars. amplectens and truncatuCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
saline clover
Triglochin scilloidesCNPS-EB: Cflowering-quillwort
Wyethia glabra(W. helenioides is more commonCNPS-EB: Cmule ears
Alisma triviale(formerly A. plantago-aquaticaCNPS-EB: Cwater plantain
Amsinckia eastwoodiaeCNPS-EB: A1Eastwood's fiddleneck
Amsinckia lycopsoidesCNPS-EB: Cbugloss-flowered fiddleneck, bugloss fiddleneck
Athysanus unilateralis(formerly Heterodraba unilateralis)CNPS-EB: A1heterodraba
Blepharizonia laxa(formerly B. plumosa ssp. viscCNPS-EB: Bbig tarplant
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis(formerly Scirpus f.)CNPS-EB: A1xriver bulrush
Carex sentaCNPS-EB: A1western rough sedge, rough sedge
Caulanthus flavescensCNPS-EB: A2yellow-flowered thelypodium
Cirsium cymosum var. cymosumCNPS-EB: B-PVperegrine thistle
Clarkia gracilis subsp. gracilisCNPS-EB: Csummer's darling
Cucurbita foetidissimaCNPS-EB: A1buffalo gourd, calabazilla, calabazilla
Cuscuta californica var. californicaCNPS-EB: A1California dodder
Cuscuta indecora var. indecoraCNPS-EB: A1xlarge-seeded dodder, pretty dodder
Deinandra kelloggii(formerly Hemizonia k.)CNPS-EB: A2Kellogg's tarweed
Downingia bellaCNPS-EB: A1xHoover's downingia
Downingia insignisCNPS-EB: A1cupped downingia
Elymus stebbinsiiCNPS-EB: A1xStebbins' wheat grass, Parish's wheat-grass
Equisetum laevigatumCNPS-EB: A2smooth scouring rush
Eriogonum angulosumCNPS-EB: Bangle-stem wild buckwheat, angle-stemmed eriogonum
Eriogonum luteolum var. luteolumCNPS-EB: A2golden-carpet wild buckwheat, golden carpet
Eryngium jepsoniiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Erythranthe microphyllaCNPS-EB: A1x
Eschscholzia caespitosaCNPS-EB: A1tufted poppy
Euphorbia ocellata subsp. ocellataCNPS-EB: Bvalley spurge
Fraxinus latifoliaCNPS-EB: BOregon ash
Gilia tricolor subsp. unknownCNPS-EB: B?birds-eye gilia
Glycyrrhiza lepidotaCNPS-EB: Cwild licorice
Hesperevax caulescens(H. sparsiflora is more commonCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
hogwallow starfish
Holocarpha obconicaCNPS-EB: BSan Joaquin tarplant
Isolepis cernua(formerly Scirpus cernuus)CNPS-EB: Clow club-rush
Juncus articulatus subsp. articulatusCNPS-EB: A1xjointed rush
Keckiella breviflora var. brevifloraCNPS-EB: A2gaping penstemon
Koeleria macranthaCNPS-EB: B-PVjune grass
Lasthenia minorCNPS-EB: A1coastal goldfields, woolly goldfields
Layia chrysanthemoidesCNPS-EB: A2smooth layia
Leptochloa fusca subsp. fascicularisCNPS-EB: A2bearded sprangletop
Leptosiphon aureus(formerly L.acicularis, Linanthus acicularis)CNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4?
CNDDB Rank: S4?
bristly leptosiphon, bristly linanthus
Leptosiphon grandiflorus(formerly Linanthus g.)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3G4
CNDDB Rank: S3S4
large-flowered leptosiphon, large-flowered linanthus
Lupinus affinisCNPS-EB: A1lupine
Lupinus concinnusCNPS-EB: A1Bajada lupine
Marah oreganaCNPS-EB: Bcoast man-root
Matricaria occidentalis(formerly Chamomilla o.) (histCNPS-EB: A1xvalley mayweed, valley pineapple weed
Melica californicaCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia melic
Mentzelia laevicaulis var. laevicaulis(historical-1969)CNPS-EB: A1xblazing star
Microseris acuminataCNPS-EB: A1Sierra Foothills microseris
Monolopia majorCNPS-EB: Bcupped monolopia
Montia fontanaCNPS-EB: B-PVwater chickweed, blinks, water chickweed
Myosurus minimus subsp. apusCNPS-EB: *A1?
State CNPS: 3.1
Global Rank: G5T2Q
CNDDB Rank: S2
little mousetail
Penstemon heterophyllus var. purdyiCNPS-EB: A2foothill penstemon
Phoradendron leucarpum subsp. macrophyllum(formerly P. serotinum subsp. macrophyllum, P. macrophyllum)CNPS-EB: Cbig leaf mistletoe
Piperia michaeliiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Michael's rein-orchid
Plagiobothrys glaberCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1A
Global Rank: GX
hairless popcornflower
Plagiobothrys trachycarpusCNPS-EB: Crough-nutlet popcornflower, rough-fruited allocarya
Platanus racemosaCNPS-EB: Cwestern sycamore, California sycamore
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. ilicifoliaCNPS-EB: Bislay, holly-leafed cherry
Psilocarphus oregonusCNPS-EB: A2Oregon woollyheads, Oregon woolly-marbles
Puccinellia nuttallianaCNPS-EB: A1Nuttall's alkali grass
Quercus berberidifoliaCNPS-EB: Cscrub oak
Rumex salicifolius(formerly R. salicifolius var. salicifolius)CNPS-EB: Bwillow dock
Scutellaria californicaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia skullcap
Scutellaria tuberosaCNPS-EB: CDannie's skullcap
Selaginella bigeloviiCNPS-EB: Bspike-moss
Senecio flaccidus var. douglasiiCNPS-EB: A2Douglas' threadleaf ragwort, shrubby butterweed
Spergularia macrotheca var. leucanthaCNPS-EB: A1large-flowered sand spurry
Stebbinsoseris heterocarpaCNPS-EB: Cgrassland silverpuffs, derived microseris
Stipa cernuaCNPS-EB: B-PVnodding needlegrass
Tropidocarpum capparideumCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
caper-fruited tropidocarpum
Vicia hasseiCNPS-EB: A2slender vetch