Mines Road/Arryo Mocho

Region: Cedar Ridge and Mines Rd AreaKey
Scientific NameNotesRarity RanksCommon Name
Acanthomintha lanceolataCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
Santa Clara thornmint
Agoseris heterophylla var. cryptopleuraCNPS-EB: B
Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophyllaCNPS-EB: C
Agoseris heterophylla var. unknownAgoseris heterophylla split into 2 vars. in 2011 Jepson Manual, need field work to resolve vars.CNPS-EB: B?annual agoseris
Allium amplectensCNPS-EB: A2narrow-leaved onion
Allium bolanderi var. bolanderiCNPS-EB: A1Bolander's onion
Amelanchier utahensisCNPS-EB: CUtah service-berry
Anemopsis californicaCNPS-EB: Byerba mansa, lizard tail
Apocynum cannabinumCNPS-EB: Bdogbane, Indian-hemp
Aquilegia eximia(A. formosa is more common)CNPS-EB: A2Van Houtte's columbine
Arctostaphylos glaucaCNPS-EB: Cbig-berried manzanita
Berberis aquifolium var. dictyotaCNPS-EB: A1Jepson's mahonia
Brickellia californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia brickellbush, California brickellia
Calystegia malacophylla subsp. pedicellataCNPS-EB: A2woolly morning-glory
Camissonia contortaCNPS-EB: Ccontorted primrose
Carex nudataCNPS-EB: Btorrent sedge
Carex praegracilisCNPS-EB: Cblack creeper sedge, freeway sedge, deer-bed sedge
Carex serratodensCNPS-EB: Csaw-toothed sedge, bifid sedge
Castilleja applegatei subsp. martiniiCNPS-EB: A2wavy-leaved indian paintbrush
Castilleja subinclusa subsp. subinclusaCNPS-EB: A1long-leaved indian paintbrush
Ceanothus leucodermisCNPS-EB: A2chaparral whitethorn
Cirsium cymosum var. cymosumCNPS-EB: Cperegrine thistle
Cirsium fontinale var. campylonCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Mount Hamilton fountain thistle
Clarkia gracilis subsp. gracilisCNPS-EB: Csummer's darling
Clarkia modestaCNPS-EB: A2modest clarkia
Claytonia exigua subsp. exiguaCNPS-EB: Ccommon montia
Clematis ligusticifoliaCNPS-EB: Cwestern virgin's bower, virgin's bower
Collinsia parvifloraCNPS-EB: Bblue-eyed Mary
Cordylanthus rigidus subsp. rigidusCNPS-EB: A1stiffly-branched bird's-beak
Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosaCNPS-EB: BCleveland's cryptantha
Cryptantha torreyana var. pumilaCNPS-EB: BTorrey's cryptantha
Datisca glomerataCNPS-EB: Cdurango root
Deinandra kelloggii(formerly Hemizonia k.)CNPS-EB: A2Kellogg's tarweed
Delphinium californicum subsp. californicumCNPS-EB: Bcoast larkspur, California larkspur
Delphinium californicum subsp. interiusCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G3T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Hospital Canyon larkspur
Delphinium parryi subsp. parryiCNPS-EB: A2Parry's larkspur
Dudleya cymosa subsp. paniculataCNPS-EB: Bspreading dudleya
Elymus multisetusCNPS-EB: Cbig squirreltail
Enemion stipitatum(formerly Isopyrum s.)CNPS-EB: A2Siskiyou rue-anemone
Eriastrum abramsiiCNPS-EB: A2Abram's eriastrum
Erigeron petrophilus var. petrophilusCNPS-EB: Brock daisy
Eriogonum gracile var. gracileCNPS-EB: Cslender woolly wild buckwheat, slender buckwheat
Erythranthe nasutaCNPS-EB: Bshy monkeyflower
Euphorbia serpillifolia subsp. serpillifoliaCNPS-EB: Cthyme-leaved spurge
Festuca californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia fescue
Festuca idahoensisCNPS-EB: CIdaho fescue, blue bunchgrass
Forestiera pubescensCNPS-EB: Bdesert olive
Frangula californica subsp. tomentella(formerly Rhamnus t.)CNPS-EB: Bhoary coffeeberry
Fritillaria agrestisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Fritillaria falcataCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
talus fritillary
Gilia tricolor subsp. diffusaCNPS-EB: Cbirds-eye gilia
Githopsis specularioidesCNPS-EB: Bcommon bluecup
Glycyrrhiza lepidotaCNPS-EB: Cwild licorice
Gruvelia pusilla(formerly Pectocarya pusilla)CNPS-EB: Blittle pectocarya
Helianthus californicusCNPS-EB: CCalifornia sunflower
Hoita macrostachyaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia hemp
Holozonia filipesCNPS-EB: A2whitecrown, holozonia
Horkelia californica var. frondosaCNPS-EB: Bleafy horkelia
Juncus mexicanusCNPS-EB: CMexican rush
Juniperus californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia juniper
Keckiella breviflora var. brevifloraCNPS-EB: A2gaping penstemon
Koeleria macranthaCNPS-EB: Cjune grass
Lasthenia microglossaCNPS-EB: A2small-ray goldfields
Layia platyglossaCNPS-EB: Btidy-tips
Leptosiphon ambiguus(formerly Linanthus a.)CNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
serpentine leptosiphon, serpentine linanthus
Leptosiphon androsaceus(formerly Linanthus a.)CNPS-EB: Ccommon linanthus, common leptosiphon
Leptosiphon parviflorus(formerly Linanthus p.)CNPS-EB: Bsmall-flowered linanthus, small-flowered leptosiphon
Lessingia tenuisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
spring lessingia
Lithophragma parviflorum var. parviflorumCNPS-EB: Bprairie star
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifoliumCNPS-EB: Bcaraway-leaved lomatium
Madia exiguaCNPS-EB: C
Malacothamnus fremontii var. fremontiiCNPS-EB: Cwhite-coat mallow
Melica californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia melic
Mimetanthe pilosa(formerly Mimulus pilosus)CNPS-EB: Bdowny monkeyflower
Montia fontanaCNPS-EB: Cwater chickweed, blinks, water chickweed
Myriopteris intertextaCNPS-EB: Bcoastal lip fern
Navarretia pubescensCNPS-EB: Cdowny navarretia
Nemophila parviflora var. parvifloraCNPS-EB: Bsmall-flowered nemophila
Nemophila pedunculataCNPS-EB: Bmeadow nemophila
Nicotiana quadrivalvisCNPS-EB: Bindian tobacco
Osmorhiza brachypodaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia cicely
Packera breweri(formerly Senecio b.)CNPS-EB: CBrewer's ragwort, Brewer's butterweed
Penstemon heterophyllus var. heterophyllusCNPS-EB: Bchaparral penstemon
Pentachaeta exilis subsp. exilisCNPS-EB: A1meager pentachaeta
Perideridia californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia yampah
Phacelia breweriCNPS-EB: BBrewer's phacelia
Phacelia divaricataCNPS-EB: Bdivaricate phacelia
Phacelia malvifolia var. malvifoliaCNPS-EB: A2stinging phacelia
Phacelia rattaniiCNPS-EB: BRattan's phacelia
Plagiobothrys acanthocarpusCNPS-EB: Badobe popcornflower, adobe allocarya
Plagiobothrys canescens var. canescensCNPS-EB: Cvalley popcornflower
Prunus emarginataCNPS-EB: Cbitter cherry
Quercus durata var. durataCNPS-EB: Bleather oak
Ribes aureum var. gracillimumCNPS-EB: A2golden currant
Ribes quercetorumCNPS-EB: A2oakwoods gooseberry, oak gooseberry
Rumex californicus(formerly R. salicifolius var. dentatus)CNPS-EB: Cwillow dock
Sagina decumbens subsp. occidentalis(S. apetala is more common)CNPS-EB: Bwestern pearlwort
Scutellaria siphocampyloidesCNPS-EB: A2gray-leaved skullcap
Senecio aronicoidesCNPS-EB: Crayless ragwort, California butterweed
Stebbinsoseris heterocarpaCNPS-EB: Cgrassland silverpuffs, derived microseris
Stellaria nitensCNPS-EB: Cshining chickweed
Stipa cernuaCNPS-EB: Cnodding needlegrass
Stipa lemmonii var. lemmonii(formerly Achnatherum lemmonii)CNPS-EB: A2Lemmon needlegrass
Streptanthus breweriCNPS-EB: A1Brewer's streptanthus
Streptanthus glandulosus subsp. glandulosusCNPS-EB: Bjewelflower
Stylocline gnaphaloidesCNPS-EB: Beverlasting neststraw, nest-straw
Tetrapteron graciliflorumCNPS-EB: Chill sun cup
Thysanocarpus laciniatusCNPS-EB: Blacepod
Tonella tenellaCNPS-EB: Bsmall-flowered tonella
Toxicoscordion venenosum var. venenosum(formerly Zigadenus venenosus)CNPS-EB: A1death-camas
Trifolium dichotomumCNPS-EB: Cbranched indian clover
Trifolium olivaceumCNPS-EB: Colive clover
Tropidocarpum gracileCNPS-EB: Bslender tropidocarpum
Turritis glabraCNPS-EB: Btower mustard
Viola purpurea subsp. quercetorumCNPS-EB: Cmountain violet
Viola sheltoniiCNPS-EB: A2Shelton's violet, fan violet
Wyethia glabra(W. helenioides is more commonCNPS-EB: Cmule ears
Alopecurus saccatusCNPS-EB: BHowell's meadow foxtail
Antirrhinum thompsonii(formerly A. multiflorum)CNPS-EB: A1withered snapdragon
Aphyllon tuberosumCNPS-EB: Cbulbous broom-rape
Aralia californicaCNPS-EB: Celk clover
Artemisia dracunculusCNPS-EB: A1tarragon
Balsamorhiza macrolepisCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
big-scale balsamroot
Calochortus invenustusCNPS-EB: A1xplain mariposa-lily
Chaenactis glabriuscula var. megacephalaCNPS-EB: A1yellow pincushion
Clarkia breweriCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
Brewer's clarkia
Claytonia gypsophiloidesCNPS-EB: Bcoast range montia
Cornus glabrataCNPS-EB: A1brown dogwood
Crocidium multicauleCNPS-EB: A1spring gold
Cuscuta subinclusaCNPS-EB: Ccanyon dodder
Delphinium gypsophilumCNPS-EB: A1gypsum-loving larkspur
Descurainia pinnata subsp. brachycarpaCNPS-EB: A1xtansy mustard
Diplacus bolanderi(formerly Mimulus b.)CNPS-EB: A1Bolander's monkeyflower
Diplacus douglasii(formerly Mimulus d.)CNPS-EB: A2Douglas monkeyflower
Diplacus kelloggii(formerly Mimulus kelloggii)CNPS-EB: A1xKellogg's monkeyflower
Diplacus rattanii(formerly Mimulus rattanii)CNPS-EB: A2Rattan monkeyflower
Ehrendorferia chrysantha(formerly Dicentra chrysantha)CNPS-EB: Bgolden ear-drops
Eleocharis parishiiCNPS-EB: A1Dombey's spike-rush
Emmenanthe rosea(formerly E. penduliflora var. rosea)CNPS-EB: A1x
Epilobium torreyiCNPS-EB: A2narrow-leaved boisduvalia
Eriastrum pluriflorum subsp. pluriflorumCNPS-EB: A1many-flowered eriastrum
Ericameria nauseosa var. mohavensisCNPS-EB: A2Mojave rabbitbrush, rubber rabbitbrush
Eriogonum luteolum var. luteolumCNPS-EB: A2golden-carpet wild buckwheat, golden carpet
Eriogonum wrightii var. trachygonumCNPS-EB: Crough-node bastard-sage, Wright's eriogonum
Eriophyllum jepsoniiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Jepson's woolly sunflower
Erythranthe floribunda(formerly Mimulus floribundus)CNPS-EB: A1?floriferous monkeyflower
Eschscholzia caespitosaCNPS-EB: A1tufted poppy
Garrya congdoniiCNPS-EB: A1xCongdon's silk-tassel
Garrya fremontiiCNPS-EB: A1xsilk tassel bush
Gutierrezia californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia matchweed
Helianthella californica var. californicaCNPS-EB: A2California helianthella
Heterotheca oregona var. scaberrimaCNPS-EB: A1Oregon goldenaster
Hoita strobilina(historical-1865)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G2?
CNDDB Rank: S2?
Loma Prieta hoita
Hosackia crassifolia var. crassifoliaCNPS-EB: A2broad-leaved lotus
Hydrophyllum occidentaleCNPS-EB: A1western waterleaf
Isolepis carinata(formerly Scirpus koilolepis)CNPS-EB: A1dwarf club-rush
Layia gaillardioidesCNPS-EB: A2woodland layia
Lepidospartum squamatum(historical-1933)CNPS-EB: A1xCalifornia broom-shrub
Lewisia rediviva var. redivivaCNPS-EB: A2bitterroot
Lupinus pachylobusCNPS-EB: Bbig pod lupine
Mentzelia dispersaCNPS-EB: A2Nada stick-leaf
Mentzelia lindleyiCNPS-EB: BLindley's blazing star
Microseris campestrisCNPS-EB: A1San Joaquin microseris
Myriopteris covilleiCNPS-EB: CCoville's lip fern
Persicaria punctata(formerly Polygonum punctatum)CNPS-EB: Cwater smartweed
Phacelia ciliataCNPS-EB: BGreat Valley phacelia, Great Valley phacelia
Phacelia egena(historical-1956)CNPS-EB: A1xphacelia
Phacelia ramosissimaCNPS-EB: Bbranching phacelia
Phacelia tanacetifoliaCNPS-EB: Btansy phacelia
Pinus coulteriCNPS-EB: BCoulter pine
Plagiobothrys fulvus var. campestrisCNPS-EB: Bfield popcornflower, fulvous popcornflower
Plagiobothrys tenellusCNPS-EB: BPacific popcornflower, slender popcornflower
Platanus racemosaCNPS-EB: Cwestern sycamore, California sycamore
Prunus subcordataCNPS-EB: CPacific plum, Sierra plum
Pseudognaphalium microcephalum(formerly Gnaphalium canescensCNPS-EB: A1white everlasting
Psilocarphus oregonusCNPS-EB: A2Oregon woollyheads, Oregon woolly-marbles
Quercus lobataCNPS-EB: Bvalley oak, roble
Ribes malvaceum var. malvaceumCNPS-EB: Cchaparral currant
Salix breweriCNPS-EB: A1xBrewer's willow
Scutellaria tuberosaCNPS-EB: CDannie's skullcap
Senecio flaccidus var. douglasiiCNPS-EB: A2Douglas' threadleaf ragwort, shrubby butterweed
Stachys bullataCNPS-EB: A1?California hedge nettle
Stipa pulchraCNPS-EB: Cpurple needlegrass
Trifolium oliganthumCNPS-EB: Cfew-flowered clover
Viola douglasiiCNPS-EB: A2Douglas' violet, golden violet
Zeltnera davyi(formerly Centaurium d.)CNPS-EB: BDavy's centaury, conchalagua