Acmispon strigosus | | B | strigose trefoil |
Agoseris heterophylla var. cryptopleura | | B | |
Agoseris heterophylla var. unknown | Agoseris heterophylla split into 2 vars. in 2011 Jepson Manual, need field work to resolve vars. | B? | annual agoseris |
Allophyllum gilioides subsp. violaceum | (ssp. gilioides is more common | B | straggling gilia |
Alopecurus saccatus | | B | Howell's meadow foxtail |
Amaranthus californicus | | B | Californian amaranth |
Anemopsis californica | | B | yerba mansa, lizard tail |
Anisocarpus madioides | (formerly Madia m.) | B | woodland tarweed, woodland madia |
Aphyllon vallicola | | B | California broom-rape |
Apocynum cannabinum | | B | dogbane, Indian-hemp |
Arbutus menziesii | | B | Pacific madrone |
Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. glandulosa | | B | Eastwood manzanita |
Arnica discoidea | | B | rayless arnica |
Asarum caudatum | | B | wild-ginger |
Asclepias speciosa | (A. californica is more common | B | showy milkweed, milkweed |
Atriplex argentea var. expansa | | B | silverscale |
Atriplex fruticulosa | | B | ballscale, little oak orach, ball saltbush |
Atriplex leucophylla | | B | beach saltbush |
Balsamorhiza deltoidea | | B | deltoid balsamroot |
Bidens frondosa | | B | sticktight |
Blepharizonia laxa | (formerly B. plumosa ssp. visc | B | big tarplant |
Boechera breweri subsp. breweri | (formerly Arabis breweri) | B | Brewer's rockcress |
Brodiaea terrestris subsp. terrestris | | B | dwarf brodiaea |
Calamagrostis rubescens | | B | pine reed grass, pine grass |
California macrophylla | (formerly Erodium macrophyllum | B | round-leaved filaree |
Calystegia sepium subsp. limnophila | | B | hedge bindweed |
Camissoniopsis hirtella | | B | small primrose |
Carex densa | | B | dense sedge |
Carex globosa | | B | round-fruited sedge |
Carex harfordii | | B | Harford's sedge, Monterey sedge |
Carex nebrascensis | | B | Nebraska sedge |
Carex nudata | | B | torrent sedge |
Carex obnupta | | B | slough sedge |
Carex subbracteata | | B | small-bracted sedge |
Castilleja rubicundula subsp. lithospermoides | | B | cream sacs |
Castilleja wightii | | B | Wight's indian paintbrush |
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. thyrsiflorus | | B | blue blossom, California lilac |
Cirsium brevistylum | | B | indian thistle |
Claytonia gypsophiloides | | B | coast range montia |
Collinsia parviflora | | B | blue-eyed Mary |
Cordylanthus pilosus subsp. pilosus | | B | hairy bird's-beak |
Crassula aquatica | | B | water pygmy-weed |
Crocanthemum scoparium var. vulgare | (formerly Helianthemum scoparium var. vulgare) | B | peak rush-rose |
Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosa | | B | Cleveland's cryptantha |
Cryptantha torreyana var. pumila | | B | Torrey's cryptantha |
Cyperus erythrorhizos | | B | red-rooted cyperus |
Delphinium californicum subsp. californicum | | B | coast larkspur, California larkspur |
Delphinium hesperium subsp. hesperium | | B | western larkspur |
Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. holciformis | | B | tufted hairgrass |
Downingia pulchella | | B | flat-faced downingia |
Dudleya cymosa subsp. paniculata | | B | spreading dudleya |
Ehrendorferia chrysantha | (formerly Dicentra chrysantha) | B | golden ear-drops |
Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis | | B | needle spike-rush |
Elymus elymoides var. elymoides | | B | squirreltail |
Elymus xhansenii | | B | Hansen squirreltail |
Epilobium campestre | | B | smooth boisduvalia |
Ericameria arborescens | | B | golden-fleece |
Erigeron petrophilus var. petrophilus | | B | rock daisy |
Eriogonum angulosum | | B | angle-stem wild buckwheat, angle-stemmed eriogonum |
Erythranthe nasuta | | B | shy monkeyflower |
Euphorbia ocellata subsp. ocellata | | B | valley spurge |
Forestiera pubescens | | B | desert olive |
Frangula californica subsp. tomentella | (formerly Rhamnus t.) | B | hoary coffeeberry |
Fraxinus dipetala | | B | California ash, flowering ash |
Fraxinus latifolia | | B | Oregon ash |
Garrya elliptica | | B | silk tassel bush |
Gilia tricolor subsp. unknown | | B? | birds-eye gilia |
Githopsis specularioides | | B | common bluecup |
Gruvelia pusilla | (formerly Pectocarya pusilla) | B | little pectocarya |
Helianthus gracilentus | | B | slender sunflower |
Hemizonia congesta subsp. lutescens | | B | hayfield tarweed |
Hoita macrostachya | | B | California hemp |
Holocarpha obconica | | B | San Joaquin tarplant |
Hordeum depressum | | B | low barley, alkali barley |
Horkelia californica var. frondosa | | B | leafy horkelia |
Hydrocotyle verticillata | | B | whorled marsh pennywort |
Iris douglasiana | | B | Douglas iris |
Juncus phaeocephalus var. paniculatus | | B | panicled rush, brown-headed rush |
Juncus phaeocephalus var. phaeocephalus | | B | brownheaded rush |
Lasthenia glaberrima | | B | smooth goldfields |
Lathyrus jepsonii var. californicus | | B | buff pea |
Layia platyglossa | | B | tidy-tips |
Lepidium dictyotum | | B | alkali pepper-grass |
Lepidium latipes | | B | dwarf peppergrass |
Leptosiphon parviflorus | (formerly Linanthus p.) | B | small-flowered linanthus, small-flowered leptosiphon |
Leptosiphon pygmaeus subsp. continentalis | (formerly Linanthus p. ssp. c. | B | pygmy linanthus, pygmy leptosiphon |
Lithophragma parviflorum var. parviflorum | | B | prairie star |
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifolium | | B | caraway-leaved lomatium |
Lupinus pachylobus | | B | big pod lupine |
Lythrum californicum | | B | California loosestrife |
Marah oregana | | B | coast man-root |
Mentha canadensis | | B | American cornmint, Japanese peppermint |
Mentzelia affinis | | B | hydra stick-leaf |
Mentzelia lindleyi | | B | Lindley's blazing star |
Mimetanthe pilosa | (formerly Mimulus pilosus) | B | downy monkeyflower |
Monolopia major | | B | cupped monolopia |
Morella californica | (formerly Myrica c.) | B | wax myrtle |
Muilla maritima | | B | common muilla |
Myriopteris intertexta | | B | coastal lip fern |
Nemophila parviflora var. parviflora | | B | small-flowered nemophila |
Nemophila pedunculata | | B | meadow nemophila |
Nicotiana quadrivalvis | | B | indian tobacco |
Oxalis pilosa | (formerly O. albicans ssp. p.) | B | hairy wood-sorrel |
Papaver californicum | | B | fire poppy |
Penstemon centranthifolius | | B | scarlet bugler |
Penstemon heterophyllus var. heterophyllus | | B | chaparral penstemon |
Persicaria lapathifolia | (formerly Polygonum lapathifol | B | willow weed |
Phacelia breweri | | B | Brewer's phacelia |
Phacelia ciliata | | B | Great Valley phacelia, Great Valley phacelia |
Phacelia divaricata | | B | divaricate phacelia |
Phacelia ramosissima | | B | branching phacelia |
Phacelia rattanii | | B | Rattan's phacelia |
Phacelia tanacetifolia | | B | tansy phacelia |
Pinus coulteri | | B | Coulter pine |
Piperia transversa | | B | flat spurred piperia, transverse piperia |
Plagiobothrys acanthocarpus | | B | adobe popcornflower, adobe allocarya |
Plagiobothrys fulvus var. campestris | | B | field popcornflower, fulvous popcornflower |
Plagiobothrys tenellus | | B | Pacific popcornflower, slender popcornflower |
Plantago elongata | | B | annual coast plantain |
Pleuropogon californicus var. californicus | | B | semaphore grass |
Pluchea odorata var. odorata | | B | saltmarsh fleabane |
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata | (var. vulgaris is more common) | B | selfheal |
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia | | B | islay, holly-leafed cherry |
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus | | B | dwarf woollyheads, dwarf woolly-marbles |
Quercus agrifolia | | B | coast live oak, encina |
Quercus durata var. durata | | B | leather oak |
Quercus garryana var. garryana | | B | Oregon oak |
Quercus lobata | | B | valley oak, roble |
Quercus xchasei | | B | Chase oak |
Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis | | B | western buttercup |
Rorippa curvisiliqua | | B | yellow cress |
Rorippa palustris subsp. palustris | | B | marsh yellow-cress |
Rumex salicifolius | (formerly R. salicifolius var. salicifolius) | B | willow dock |
Rumex transitorius | | B | willow dock |
Sagina decumbens subsp. occidentalis | (S. apetala is more common) | B | western pearlwort |
Salix gooddingii | | B | Goodding's black willow |
Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa | | B | red elderberry |
Scribneria bolanderi | | B | Scribner's grass |
Scutellaria californica | | B | California skullcap |
Sedum spathulifolium | | B | broadleaf stonecrop, Pacific stonecrop |
Selaginella bigelovii | | B | spike-moss |
Sesuvium verrucosum | | B | western sea-purslane, sea-purslane |
Setaria parviflora | | B | knotroot bristle grass, perennial foxtail |
Spartina foliosa | | B | California cord grass |
Stachys albens | | B | white hedge nettle |
Streptanthus glandulosus subsp. glandulosus | | B | jewelflower |
Stylocline gnaphaloides | | B | everlasting neststraw, nest-straw |
Suaeda nigra | (formerly S. moquinii) | B | bush seepweed |
Symphyotrichum subulatum var. parviflorum | (formerly Aster subulatus var. | B | slim aster |
Thysanocarpus laciniatus | | B | lacepod |
Tonella tenella | | B | small-flowered tonella |
Trifolium depauperatum var. depauperatum | (vars. amplectens and truncatu | B | dwarf sack clover |
Trifolium fucatum | | B | bull clover |
Trifolium obtusiflorum | | B | clammy clover, creek clover |
Triglochin striata | (T. maritima is more common) | B | three-ribbed arrow-grass |
Triphysaria versicolor subsp. faucibarbata | | B | smooth owl's-clover |
Tropidocarpum gracile | | B | slender tropidocarpum |
Turritis glabra | | B | tower mustard |
Zeltnera davyi | (formerly Centaurium d.) | B | Davy's centaury, conchalagua |