Scientific Name | Notes | Rarity Ranks | Common Name |
Agoseris retrorsa | CNPS-EB: A2 | spear-leaved agoseris | |
Agrostis hallii | CNPS-EB: A2 | Hall's bent grass | |
Androsace elongata subsp. acuta | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | California androsace | |
Antirrhinum kelloggii | CNPS-EB: A1 | lax snapdragon | |
Arctostaphylos auriculata | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.3 | Mount Diablo manzanita | |
Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. glandulosa | CNPS-EB: A2 | Eastwood manzanita | |
Arctostaphylos manzanita subsp. laevigata | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | Contra Costa manzanita | |
Aspidotis californica | CNPS-EB: A2 | California lace fern | |
Calandrinia breweri | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | Brewer's calandrinia | |
Calochortus pulchellus | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | Mount Diablo fairy-lantern | |
Calochortus splendens | CNPS-EB: A2 | splendid mariposa-lily | |
Calochortus umbellatus | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | Oakland star-tulip | |
Camissoniopsis hirtella | CNPS-EB: A2 | small primrose | |
Carex multicostata | CNPS-EB: A1 | many-ribbed sedge | |
Cirsium occidentale var. californicum | (var. venustum is more common) | CNPS-EB: A2 | California thistle |
Clarkia purpurea subsp. purpurea | (ssp. quadrivulnera is more co | CNPS-EB: A2 | purple clarkia |
Cornus glabrata | CNPS-EB: A1 | brown dogwood | |
Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosa | CNPS-EB: A2 | Cleveland's cryptantha | |
Cryptantha micromeres | CNPS-EB: A2 | minute-flowered cryptantha | |
Cryptantha microstachys | CNPS-EB: A2 | Tejon cryptantha | |
Cyperus niger | CNPS-EB: A2 | black sedge | |
Delphinium hansenii subsp. hansenii | CNPS-EB: A2 | Hansen's larkspur | |
Eriogonum covilleanum | CNPS-EB: A2 | Coville's wild buckwheat, Coville's eriogonum | |
Eryngium castrense | CNPS-EB: A2 | great valley coyote-thistle, Vasey's coyote-thistle | |
Eryngium jepsonii | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | ||
Galium andrewsii subsp. gatense | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | phlox-leaf serpentine bedstraw, serpentine bedstraw | |
Helianthella castanea | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | Diablo helianthella | |
Hesperolinon breweri | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | Brewer's western flax | |
Hesperolinon micranthum | CNPS-EB: A2 | small-flowered dwarf flax | |
Hordeum brachyantherum subsp. californicum | (ssp. brachyantherum is more common | CNPS-EB: A1 | California barley |
Isoetes howellii | CNPS-EB: A1 | Howell's quillwort | |
Malacothamnus hallii | (M. fasciculatus in Jepson Man | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | Hall's bush-mallow |
Malacothrix clevelandii | CNPS-EB: A2 | Cleveland's malacothrix | |
Micropus californicus var. subvestitus | (var. californicus is more common) | CNPS-EB: A2 | slender cottonweed |
Monolopia gracilens | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | woodland woollythreads, woodland monolopia | |
Phacelia phacelioides | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | Mount Diablo phacelia | |
Pinus attenuata | CNPS-EB: A1 | knobcone pine | |
Piperia michaelii | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 4.2 | Michael's rein-orchid | |
Ravenella exigua | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.2 | chaparral harebell | |
Streptanthus hispidus | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 1B.3 | Mount Diablo jewelflower | |
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium | (formerly Aster lanceolatus ss | CNPS-EB: A2 | marsh aster |
Trifolium wormskioldii | CNPS-EB: A1 | cow clover | |
Triodanis biflora | CNPS-EB: A2 | Venus' looking-glass | |
Viburnum ellipticum | CNPS-EB: *A2 State CNPS: 2B.3 | oval-leaved viburnum | |
Ammannia coccinea | CNPS-EB: A2 | long-leaved ammannia | |
Apocynum androsaemifolium | CNPS-EB: A2 | bitter dogbane, dogbane | |
Arctostaphylos manzanita subsp. manzanita | CNPS-EB: A2 | common manzanita | |
Calamagrostis rubescens | CNPS-EB: A2 | pine reed grass, pine grass | |
Chenopodium berlandieri var. sinuatum | CNPS-EB: A1 | ||
Chenopodium berlandieri var. unknown | Split into 2 varieties. Sites need to be surveyed to determine vars.. | CNPS-EB: A2? | pitseed goosefoot |
Cicendia quadrangularis | CNPS-EB: A2 | timwort | |
Cirsium douglasii var. douglasii | CNPS-EB: A1 | swamp thistle | |
Claytonia exigua subsp. glauca | (ssp. exigua is more common) | CNPS-EB: A1x | claytonia |
Claytonia rubra subsp. depressa | CNPS-EB: A1x | miner's lettuce | |
Collomia heterophylla | CNPS-EB: A1 | variable-leaf collomia | |
Cryptantha juniperensis | (formerly C. nevadensis var. rigida) | CNPS-EB: A1 | Nevada cryptantha |
Epilobium torreyi | CNPS-EB: A2 | narrow-leaved boisduvalia | |
Equisetum laevigatum | CNPS-EB: A2 | smooth scouring rush | |
Eriogonum truncatum | CNPS-EB: *A1 State CNPS: 1B.1 | Mount Diablo buckwheat | |
Festuca octoflora | CNPS-EB: A2 | sixweeks grass, slender fescue | |
Githopsis diffusa subsp. robusta | CNPS-EB: A2 | southern bluecup | |
Gratiola ebracteata | CNPS-EB: A1 | bractless hedge-hyssop | |
Heterocodon rariflorum | CNPS-EB: A1 | heterocodon | |
Lasthenia glabrata subsp. glabrata | CNPS-EB: A2 | yellow-ray goldfields | |
Layia gaillardioides | CNPS-EB: A2 | woodland layia | |
Lithophragma bolanderi | CNPS-EB: A1 | Bolander starflower | |
Mentzelia micrantha | CNPS-EB: A2 | small-flowered stick-leaf | |
Microseris elegans | CNPS-EB: A1 | elegant microseris | |
Nuttallanthus texanus | CNPS-EB: A2 | blue toadflax | |
Panicum capillare | CNPS-EB: A2 | witch grass | |
Perideridia oregana | CNPS-EB: A2 | yampah | |
Phacelia suaveolens | CNPS-EB: A1x | sweet-scented phacelia | |
Poa howellii | CNPS-EB: A2 | Howell's bluegrass | |
Stephanomeria elata | CNPS-EB: A1 | stephanomeria | |
Allium unifolium | CNPS-EB: B-PV | one-leaved onion | |
Allophyllum divaricatum | CNPS-EB: B-PV | straggling gilia | |
Allophyllum gilioides subsp. violaceum | (ssp. gilioides is more common | CNPS-EB: B-PV | straggling gilia |
Amaranthus blitoides | CNPS-EB: C | procumbent pigweed, prostrate amaranth | |
Amsinckia lycopsoides | CNPS-EB: C | bugloss-flowered fiddleneck, bugloss fiddleneck | |
Aphyllon tuberosum | CNPS-EB: B-PV | bulbous broom-rape | |
Apocynum cannabinum | CNPS-EB: B | dogbane, Indian-hemp | |
Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. crustacea | CNPS-EB: C | brittleleaf manzanita | |
Arnica discoidea | CNPS-EB: B | rayless arnica | |
Blepharizonia laxa | (formerly B. plumosa ssp. visc | CNPS-EB: B | big tarplant |
Camissoniopsis intermedia | CNPS-EB: B-PV | small primrose | |
Carex barbarae | CNPS-EB: C | whiteroot sedge, Santa Barbara sedge, St. Barbara's sedge | |
Carex globosa | CNPS-EB: B | round-fruited sedge | |
Carex nudata | CNPS-EB: B | torrent sedge | |
Carex praegracilis | CNPS-EB: C | black creeper sedge, freeway sedge, deer-bed sedge | |
Carex serratodens | CNPS-EB: C | saw-toothed sedge, bifid sedge | |
Castilleja rubicundula subsp. lithospermoides | CNPS-EB: B | cream sacs | |
Crassula aquatica | CNPS-EB: B | water pygmy-weed | |
Crocanthemum scoparium var. vulgare | (formerly Helianthemum scoparium var. vulgare) | CNPS-EB: B | peak rush-rose |
Cuscuta subinclusa | CNPS-EB: C | canyon dodder | |
Datisca glomerata | CNPS-EB: C | durango root | |
Deschampsia bolanderi | CNPS-EB: B | Scribner's grass | |
Dudleya cymosa subsp. paniculata | CNPS-EB: B-PV | spreading dudleya | |
Ehrendorferia chrysantha | (formerly Dicentra chrysantha) | CNPS-EB: B | golden ear-drops |
Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis | CNPS-EB: B | needle spike-rush | |
Ericameria arborescens | CNPS-EB: B-PV | golden-fleece | |
Erigeron petrophilus var. petrophilus | CNPS-EB: B | rock daisy | |
Eriogonum gracile var. gracile | CNPS-EB: C | slender woolly wild buckwheat, slender buckwheat | |
Eriophyllum lanatum var. achilleoides | CNPS-EB: C | woolly sunflower | |
Erythranthe cardinalis | (formerly Mimulus c.) | CNPS-EB: B-PV | scarlet monkeyflower |
Festuca californica | CNPS-EB: B-PV | California fescue | |
Garrya elliptica | CNPS-EB: B-PV | silk tassel bush | |
Helianthus californicus | CNPS-EB: C | California sunflower | |
Helianthus gracilentus | CNPS-EB: B | slender sunflower | |
Hesperolinon californicum | CNPS-EB: B-PV | California dwarf flax | |
Hieracium albiflorum | CNPS-EB: C | white hawkweed | |
Layia hieracioides | CNPS-EB: B-PV | tall layia | |
Lepechinia calycina | CNPS-EB: C | pitcher sage | |
Luzula macrantha | CNPS-EB: C | ||
Lythrum californicum | CNPS-EB: B | California loosestrife | |
Malacothamnus fremontii var. fremontii | CNPS-EB: B-PV | white-coat mallow | |
Montia fontana | CNPS-EB: B-PV | water chickweed, blinks, water chickweed | |
Navarretia mellita | CNPS-EB: C | honey-scented navarretia | |
Osmorhiza brachypoda | CNPS-EB: C | California cicely | |
Packera breweri | (formerly Senecio b.) | CNPS-EB: B-PV | Brewer's ragwort, Brewer's butterweed |
Papaver californicum | CNPS-EB: B | fire poppy | |
Penstemon heterophyllus var. heterophyllus | CNPS-EB: B | chaparral penstemon | |
Pentachaeta alsinoides | CNPS-EB: B-PV | tiny pentachaeta | |
Perideridia californica | CNPS-EB: C | California yampah | |
Pickeringia montana var. montana | CNPS-EB: B-PV | chaparral pea | |
Pinus coulteri | CNPS-EB: B-PV | Coulter pine | |
Piperia elongata | CNPS-EB: C | chaparral orchid, wood rein-orchid, elongate piperia | |
Piperia transversa | CNPS-EB: B | flat spurred piperia, transverse piperia | |
Ribes malvaceum var. malvaceum | CNPS-EB: C | chaparral currant | |
Rigiopappus leptocladus | CNPS-EB: C | rigiopappus | |
Rosa spithamea | CNPS-EB: C | coast ground rose, ground rose | |
Sagina decumbens subsp. occidentalis | (S. apetala is more common) | CNPS-EB: B | western pearlwort |
Scutellaria tuberosa | CNPS-EB: C | Dannie's skullcap | |
Sedum spathulifolium | CNPS-EB: B | broadleaf stonecrop, Pacific stonecrop | |
Stebbinsoseris heterocarpa | CNPS-EB: C | grassland silverpuffs, derived microseris | |
Stipa cernua | CNPS-EB: B-PV | nodding needlegrass | |
Trifolium obtusiflorum | CNPS-EB: B | clammy clover, creek clover | |
Acmispon strigosus | CNPS-EB: B | strigose trefoil | |
Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophylla | CNPS-EB: C | ||
Ancistrocarphus filagineus | CNPS-EB: C | woolly fishhooks | |
Apiastrum angustifolium | CNPS-EB: C | wild celery | |
Arbutus menziesii | CNPS-EB: C | Pacific madrone | |
Arctostaphylos glauca | CNPS-EB: C | big-berried manzanita | |
Cirsium cymosum var. cymosum | CNPS-EB: B-PV | peregrine thistle | |
Claytonia exigua subsp. exigua | CNPS-EB: C | common montia | |
Cordylanthus pilosus subsp. pilosus | CNPS-EB: B | hairy bird's-beak | |
Cryptantha torreyana var. pumila | CNPS-EB: B | Torrey's cryptantha | |
Delphinium californicum subsp. californicum | CNPS-EB: B | coast larkspur, California larkspur | |
Delphinium nudicaule | CNPS-EB: C | red larkspur, orange larkspur | |
Delphinium variegatum subsp. variegatum | CNPS-EB: C | royal larkspur | |
Deschampsia elongata | CNPS-EB: B-PV | slender hair grass | |
Elymus elymoides var. elymoides | CNPS-EB: B | squirreltail | |
Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus | CNPS-EB: C | fleabane | |
Erythranthe nasuta | CNPS-EB: B | shy monkeyflower | |
Festuca idahoensis | CNPS-EB: B-PV | Idaho fescue, blue bunchgrass | |
Frangula californica subsp. tomentella | (formerly Rhamnus t.) | CNPS-EB: B | hoary coffeeberry |
Githopsis specularioides | CNPS-EB: B | common bluecup | |
Gruvelia pusilla | (formerly Pectocarya pusilla) | CNPS-EB: B | little pectocarya |
Heterotheca sessiliflora subsp. bolanderi | H. s. ssp. echioides is more common | CNPS-EB: C | Bolander goldenaster |
Juncus mexicanus | CNPS-EB: C | Mexican rush | |
Juniperus californica | CNPS-EB: C | California juniper | |
Koeleria macrantha | CNPS-EB: B-PV | june grass | |
Leptosiphon androsaceus | (formerly Linanthus a.) | CNPS-EB: C | common linanthus, common leptosiphon |
Leptosiphon ciliatus | (formerly Linanthus c.) | CNPS-EB: C | whisker brush |
Leptosiphon pygmaeus subsp. continentalis | (formerly Linanthus p. ssp. c. | CNPS-EB: B | pygmy linanthus, pygmy leptosiphon |
Lupinus pachylobus | CNPS-EB: B | big pod lupine | |
Madia exigua | CNPS-EB: C | ||
Monolopia major | CNPS-EB: B | cupped monolopia | |
Navarretia pubescens | CNPS-EB: C | downy navarretia | |
Oenothera elata subsp. hookeri | CNPS-EB: C | evening-primrose | |
Phoradendron leucarpum subsp. macrophyllum | (formerly P. serotinum subsp. macrophyllum, P. macrophyllum) | CNPS-EB: C | big leaf mistletoe |
Piperia elegans subsp. elegans | CNPS-EB: C | coast piperia, elegant piperia | |
Plagiobothrys acanthocarpus | CNPS-EB: B-PV | adobe popcornflower, adobe allocarya | |
Plagiobothrys canescens var. canescens | CNPS-EB: C | valley popcornflower | |
Plagiobothrys tenellus | CNPS-EB: B | Pacific popcornflower, slender popcornflower | |
Platanus racemosa | CNPS-EB: C | western sycamore, California sycamore | |
Pseudognaphalium beneolens | (formerly Gnaphalium canescens | CNPS-EB: C | fragrant everlasting |
Quercus berberidifolia | CNPS-EB: C | scrub oak | |
Quercus garryana var. garryana | CNPS-EB: B | Oregon oak | |
Quercus lobata | CNPS-EB: C | valley oak, roble | |
Quercus wislizeni var. frutescens | CNPS-EB: C | shrubby interior live oak | |
Ranunculus canus var. canus | CNPS-EB: C | Sacramento Valley buttercup | |
Rhus aromatica | (formerly R. trilobata) | CNPS-EB: C | skunk bush, skunkbrush, squawbush |
Rorippa curvisiliqua | CNPS-EB: B | yellow cress | |
Rumex salicifolius | (formerly R. salicifolius var. salicifolius) | CNPS-EB: B | willow dock |
Senecio aronicoides | CNPS-EB: B-PV | rayless ragwort, California butterweed | |
Stellaria nitens | CNPS-EB: B-PV | shining chickweed | |
Stipa lepida | CNPS-EB: B-PV | foothill needlegrass | |
Stipa pulchra | CNPS-EB: B-PV | purple needlegrass | |
Tetrapteron graciliflorum | CNPS-EB: B-PV | hill sun cup | |
Thysanocarpus laciniatus | CNPS-EB: B | lacepod | |
Trifolium barbigerum | CNPS-EB: B | bearded clover | |
Trifolium columbinum | CNPS-EB: C | olive clover | |
Trifolium dichotomum | CNPS-EB: C | branched indian clover | |
Tropidocarpum gracile | CNPS-EB: B-PV | slender tropidocarpum | |
Viola purpurea subsp. quercetorum | CNPS-EB: C | mountain violet | |
Zeltnera davyi | (formerly Centaurium d.) | CNPS-EB: B | Davy's centaury, conchalagua |