Contra Costa County

All confirmed species from the county.

Scientific NameNotesRarity RanksCommon Name
Acaena californica(formerly A. pinnatifida var. californica)CNPS-EB: CCalifornia acaena
Acmispon junceus var. junceusCNPS-EB: A1
Acmispon strigosusCNPS-EB: Bstrigose trefoil
Adiantum aleuticum(A. jordanii is more common)CNPS-EB: A1five-finger fern
Agoseris heterophylla var. cryptopleuraCNPS-EB: B
Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophyllaCNPS-EB: C
Agoseris heterophylla var. unknownAgoseris heterophylla split into 2 vars. in 2011 Jepson Manual, need field work to resolve vars.CNPS-EB: B?annual agoseris
Agoseris retrorsaCNPS-EB: A2spear-leaved agoseris
Agrostis halliiCNPS-EB: A2Hall's bent grass
Alisma triviale(formerly A. plantago-aquaticaCNPS-EB: Cwater plantain
Allenrolfea occidentalisCNPS-EB: B-PViodine bush
Allium acuminatumCNPS-EB: A1Hooker's onion
Allium amplectensCNPS-EB: A2narrow-leaved onion
Allium bolanderi var. bolanderiCNPS-EB: A1Bolander's onion
Allium falcifoliumCNPS-EB: A2sickle-leaved onion
Allophyllum divaricatumCNPS-EB: B-PVstraggling gilia
Allophyllum gilioides subsp. gilioidesCNPS-EB: A2straggling gilia
Allophyllum gilioides subsp. violaceum(ssp. gilioides is more commonCNPS-EB: B-PVstraggling gilia
Alnus rubra(A. rhombifolia is more commonCNPS-EB: A2red alder
Alopecurus saccatusCNPS-EB: BHowell's meadow foxtail
Amaranthus blitoidesCNPS-EB: Cprocumbent pigweed, prostrate amaranth
Amaranthus californicusCNPS-EB: BCalifornian amaranth
Amaranthus powelliiCNPS-EB: A1Powell's amaranth
Ambrosia chamissonisCNPS-EB: Cbeach bur-sage, beach-bur
Amelanchier utahensisCNPS-EB: CUtah service-berry
Ammannia coccineaCNPS-EB: A2long-leaved ammannia
Amsinckia eastwoodiaeCNPS-EB: A1Eastwood's fiddleneck
Amsinckia grandifloraCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
CESA Status: CE
large-flowered fiddleneck
Amsinckia lunarisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
bent-flowered fiddleneck
Amsinckia lycopsoidesCNPS-EB: Cbugloss-flowered fiddleneck, bugloss fiddleneck
Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellataCNPS-EB: A1desert fiddleneck, devil's lettuce
Ancistrocarphus filagineusCNPS-EB: Cwoolly fishhooks
Androsace elongata subsp. acutaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5?T3T4
CNDDB Rank: S3S4
California androsace
Anemopsis californicaCNPS-EB: Byerba mansa, lizard tail
Anisocarpus madioides(formerly Madia m.)CNPS-EB: Bwoodland tarweed, woodland madia
Antirrhinum kelloggiiCNPS-EB: A1lax snapdragon
Aphyllon californicum subsp. jepsoniiCNPS-EB: A1Jepson broom-rape
Aphyllon epigalium subsp. epigaliumCNPS-EB: A1
Aphyllon pinorumCNPS-EB: A1pine broom-rape
Aphyllon purpureumCNPS-EB: Cnaked broomrape
Aphyllon tuberosumCNPS-EB: B-PVbulbous broom-rape
Aphyllon vallicolaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia broom-rape
Apiastrum angustifoliumCNPS-EB: Cwild celery
Apocynum androsaemifoliumCNPS-EB: A2bitter dogbane, dogbane
Apocynum cannabinumCNPS-EB: Bdogbane, Indian-hemp
Aquilegia eximia(A. formosa is more common)CNPS-EB: A2Van Houtte's columbine
Aralia californicaCNPS-EB: B-PVelk clover
Arbutus menziesiiCNPS-EB: CPacific madrone
Arctostaphylos auriculataCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.3
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Mount Diablo manzanita
Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. crustaceaCNPS-EB: Cbrittleleaf manzanita
Arctostaphylos crustacea subsp. roseiCNPS-EB: A1Rose's manzanita
Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. glandulosaCNPS-EB: A2Eastwood manzanita
Arctostaphylos glaucaCNPS-EB: Cbig-berried manzanita
Arctostaphylos manzanita subsp. laevigataCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Contra Costa manzanita
Arctostaphylos manzanita subsp. manzanitaCNPS-EB: A2common manzanita
Arctostaphylos pallidaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FT
CESA Status: CE
pallid manzanita
Argemone munitaCNPS-EB: A1chicalote, prickly poppy
Arnica discoideaCNPS-EB: Brayless arnica
Asarum caudatumCNPS-EB: Bwild-ginger
Asclepias cordifolia(A. californica is more commonCNPS-EB: A1purple milkweed
Asclepias speciosa(A. californica is more commonCNPS-EB: Bshowy milkweed, milkweed
Aspidotis californicaCNPS-EB: A2California lace fern
Astragalus asymmetricusCNPS-EB: CSan Joaquin locoweeed
Astragalus tener var. tenerCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
alkali milkvetch
Atriplex argentea var. expansaCNPS-EB: Bsilverscale
Atriplex coronata var. coronataCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Atriplex depressaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Atriplex fruticulosaCNPS-EB: Bballscale, little oak orach, ball saltbush
Atriplex leucophyllaCNPS-EB: Bbeach saltbush
Balsamorhiza deltoideaCNPS-EB: B-PVdeltoid balsamroot
Berberis nervosa(B. pinnata is more common)CNPS-EB: A1Oregon grape
Berula erectaCNPS-EB: Ccutleaf water-parsnip
Bidens frondosaCNPS-EB: Bsticktight
Bidens laevisCNPS-EB: A2bur-marigold
Blennosperma nanum var. nanumCNPS-EB: Cblennosperma
Blepharizonia laxa(formerly B. plumosa ssp. viscCNPS-EB: Bbig tarplant
Blepharizonia plumosaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1G2
CNDDB Rank: S1S2
big tarplant
Boechera breweri subsp. breweri(formerly Arabis breweri)CNPS-EB: B-PVBrewer's rockcress
Bolboschoenus maritimus subsp. paludosus(formerly Scirpus m.)CNPS-EB: Cbulrush
Brickellia californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia brickellbush, California brickellia
Brodiaea terrestris subsp. terrestrisCNPS-EB: B-PVdwarf brodiaea
Calamagrostis rubescensCNPS-EB: A2pine reed grass, pine grass
Calandrinia breweriCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
Brewer's calandrinia
California macrophylla(formerly Erodium macrophyllumCNPS-EB: B-PVround-leaved filaree
Calochortus pulchellusCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Mount Diablo fairy-lantern
Calochortus splendensCNPS-EB: A2splendid mariposa-lily
Calochortus umbellatusCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3?
CNDDB Rank: S3?
Oakland star-tulip
Calycadenia multiglandulosaCNPS-EB: A2sticky calycadenia
Calystegia malacophylla subsp. pedicellataCNPS-EB: A2woolly morning-glory
Calystegia sepium subsp. limnophilaCNPS-EB: Bhedge bindweed
Camissonia contortaCNPS-EB: B-PVcontorted primrose
Camissonia strigulosaCNPS-EB: A1contorted primrose
Camissoniopsis hirtellaCNPS-EB: A2small primrose
Camissoniopsis intermediaCNPS-EB: B-PVsmall primrose
Camissoniopsis micranthaCNPS-EB: B-PVsmall primrose
Campanula exiguaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
chaparral harebell
Campanula griffiniiCNPS-EB: A1Griffin's campanula
Carex aquatilis var. divesCNPS-EB: A1Sitka sedge
Carex barbaraeCNPS-EB: Cwhiteroot sedge, Santa Barbara sedge, St. Barbara's sedge
Carex brevicaulisCNPS-EB: A2short-stemmed sedge
Carex densaCNPS-EB: Bdense sedge
Carex globosaCNPS-EB: Bround-fruited sedge
Carex graciliorCNPS-EB: A1slender sedge
Carex harfordiiCNPS-EB: BHarford's sedge, Monterey sedge
Carex laeviculmisCNPS-EB: A1smooth-stemmed sedge
Carex lenticularis var. lipocarpaCNPS-EB: A1few-ribbed sedge
Carex leptopoda(formerly Carex deweyana subsp leptopodaCNPS-EB: A2slender-footed sedge, short-scaled sedge
Carex multicostataCNPS-EB: A1many-ribbed sedge
Carex nebrascensisCNPS-EB: BNebraska sedge
Carex nudataCNPS-EB: Btorrent sedge
Carex obnuptaCNPS-EB: Bslough sedge
Carex pellita(formerly C. lanuginosa)CNPS-EB: A1woolly sedge
Carex praegracilisCNPS-EB: Cblack creeper sedge, freeway sedge, deer-bed sedge
Carex sentaCNPS-EB: A1western rough sedge, rough sedge
Carex serratodensCNPS-EB: Csaw-toothed sedge, bifid sedge
Carex subbracteataCNPS-EB: Bsmall-bracted sedge
Carex unilateralisCNPS-EB: A1one-sided sedge
Castilleja ambigua subsp. ambiguaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5T4
CNDDB Rank: S3S4
Castilleja applegatei subsp. martiniiCNPS-EB: A2wavy-leaved indian paintbrush
Castilleja exserta subsp. latifoliaCNPS-EB: A1owl's-clover
Castilleja rubicundula subsp. lithospermoidesCNPS-EB: Bcream sacs
Castilleja subinclusa subsp. franciscanaCNPS-EB: A1Franciscan indian paintbrush
Castilleja wightiiCNPS-EB: BWight's indian paintbrush
Caulanthus flavescensCNPS-EB: A2yellow-flowered thelypodium
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. thyrsiflorusCNPS-EB: Bblue blossom, California lilac
Centromadia parryi subsp. congdonii(formerly Hemizonia p. ssp. c.CNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G3T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Congdon's tarplant
Cephalanthus occidentalisCNPS-EB: A2button bush
Chenopodium berlandieri var. sinuatumCNPS-EB: A1
Chenopodium pratericolaCNPS-EB: A1
Chenopodium rubrumCNPS-EB: A1red pigweed, red goosefoot
Chloropyron molle subsp. molleCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
CESA Status: CR
soft salty bird's-beak, soft bird's-beak
Chloropyron palmatumCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
CESA Status: CE
palmate salty bird's-beak, palmate-bracted bird's-beak
Chrysolepis chrysophylla var. minorCNPS-EB: A2golden chinquapin
Cicendia quadrangularisCNPS-EB: A2timwort
Cicuta douglasiiCNPS-EB: A2water-hemlock
Cicuta maculata var. bolanderiCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 2B.1
Global Rank: G5T4T5
CNDDB Rank: S2?
Bolander's water-hemlock, water hemlock
Cirsium andrewsiiCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Franciscan thistle
Cirsium brevistylumCNPS-EB: Bindian thistle
Cirsium cymosum var. cymosumCNPS-EB: B-PVperegrine thistle
Cirsium douglasii var. douglasiiCNPS-EB: A1swamp thistle
Cirsium occidentale var. californicum(var. venustum is more common)CNPS-EB: A2California thistle
Cirsium quercetorumCNPS-EB: A2brownie thistle
Cirsium remotifolium var. odontolepisCNPS-EB: A1remote-leaved thistle
Clarkia biloba subsp. bilobaCNPS-EB: A2lobed godetia
Clarkia concinna subsp. concinnaCNPS-EB: Clarge godetia
Clarkia epilobioidesCNPS-EB: A1
Clarkia franciscanaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
CESA Status: CE
Presidio clarkia
Clarkia gracilis subsp. gracilisCNPS-EB: Csummer's darling
Clarkia modestaCNPS-EB: A2modest clarkia
Clarkia purpurea subsp. purpurea(ssp. quadrivulnera is more coCNPS-EB: A2purple clarkia
Clarkia purpurea subsp. viminea(ssp. quadrivulnera more commonCNPS-EB: A1large godetia
Claytonia exigua subsp. exiguaCNPS-EB: Ccommon montia
Claytonia gypsophiloidesCNPS-EB: Bcoast range montia
Clematis ligusticifoliaCNPS-EB: Cwestern virgin's bower, virgin's bower
Clintonia andrewsianaCNPS-EB: A1red clintonia
Collinsia sparsiflora var. sparsifloraCNPS-EB: Cfew-flowered blue-eyed Mary
Collinsia sparsiflora var. unknownCNPS-EB: C?few-flowered blue-eyed Mary
Collinsia tinctoriaCNPS-EB: A2iodine collinsia
Collomia diversifoliaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
serpentine collomia
Collomia heterophyllaCNPS-EB: A1variable-leaf collomia
Convolvulus simulansCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
small-flowered morning-glory
Cordylanthus nidulariusCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
CESA Status: CR
Mount Diablo bird's-beak
Cordylanthus pilosus subsp. pilosusCNPS-EB: Bhairy bird's-beak
Cornus glabrataCNPS-EB: A1brown dogwood
Cornus sericea subsp. occidentalisCNPS-EB: Cwestern dogwood
Cornus sericea subsp. sericeaCNPS-EB: CAmerican dogwood
Cornus sericea subsp. unknownCNPS-EB: C?American dogwood
Crassula aquaticaCNPS-EB: Bwater pygmy-weed
Crocanthemum scoparium var. vulgare(formerly Helianthemum scoparium var. vulgare)CNPS-EB: Bpeak rush-rose
Croton californicusCNPS-EB: A2California croton
Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosaCNPS-EB: A2Cleveland's cryptantha
Cryptantha corollataformerly C. decipiens. Also includes previous records for C. rattaniiCNPS-EB: A2COAST RANGE CRYPTANTHA
Cryptantha juniperensis(formerly C. nevadensis var. rigida)CNPS-EB: A1Nevada cryptantha
Cryptantha micromeresCNPS-EB: A2minute-flowered cryptantha
Cryptantha microstachysCNPS-EB: A2Tejon cryptantha
Cryptantha muricata var. muricataCNPS-EB: A1showy prickly-nut cryptantha
Cryptantha torreyana var. pumilaCNPS-EB: BTorrey's cryptantha
Cucurbita foetidissimaCNPS-EB: A1buffalo gourd, calabazilla, calabazilla
Cuscuta californica var. californicaCNPS-EB: A1California dodder
Cuscuta campestrisCNPS-EB: A2field dodder
Cuscuta pacifica var. pacifica(formerly C. salina var. major)CNPS-EB: Csalt-marsh dodder
Cuscuta subinclusaCNPS-EB: Ccanyon dodder
Cyperus erythrorhizosCNPS-EB: Bred-rooted cyperus
Cyperus nigerCNPS-EB: A2black sedge
Cyperus strigosusCNPS-EB: A1false nutsedge, straw-colored cyperus
Danthonia californicaCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia oat grass
Datisca glomerataCNPS-EB: Cdurango root
Deinandra corymbosa(formerly Hemizonia corymbosa)CNPS-EB: A2coast tarweed
Deinandra kelloggii(formerly Hemizonia k.)CNPS-EB: A2Kellogg's tarweed
Deinandra lobbii(formerly Hemizonia l.)CNPS-EB: Cthree-rayed tarweed
Delphinium californicum subsp. californicumCNPS-EB: Bcoast larkspur, California larkspur
Delphinium californicum subsp. interiusCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G3T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Hospital Canyon larkspur
Delphinium hansenii subsp. hanseniiCNPS-EB: A2Hansen's larkspur
Delphinium hesperium subsp. hesperiumCNPS-EB: Bwestern larkspur
Delphinium nudicauleCNPS-EB: Cred larkspur, orange larkspur
Delphinium variegatum subsp. variegatumCNPS-EB: Croyal larkspur
Dendromecon rigidaCNPS-EB: A2bush poppy
Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. cespitosaCNPS-EB: B-PVtufted hairgrass
Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. holciformisCNPS-EB: Btufted hairgrass
Deschampsia danthonioidesCNPS-EB: B-PVannual hair grass
Deschampsia elongataCNPS-EB: B-PVslender hair grass
Dicentra formosaCNPS-EB: A2Pacific bleeding heart, bleeding heart
Dichondra donellianaCNPS-EB: A1dichondra
Diplacus douglasii(formerly Mimulus d.)CNPS-EB: A2Douglas monkeyflower
Diplacus rattanii(formerly Mimulus rattanii)CNPS-EB: A2Rattan monkeyflower
Dirca occidentalisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
western leatherwood
Downingia insignisCNPS-EB: A1cupped downingia
Downingia pulchellaCNPS-EB: Bflat-faced downingia
Dudleya cymosa subsp. cymosa(ssp. paniculata is more common)CNPS-EB: A1spreading dudleya
Dudleya cymosa subsp. paniculataCNPS-EB: B-PVspreading dudleya
Dudleya farinosaCNPS-EB: A2bluff lettuce, powdery dudleya
Echinodorus berteroiCNPS-EB: A2burhead
Eclipta prostrataCNPS-EB: A1false daisy
Ehrendorferia chrysantha(formerly Dicentra chrysantha)CNPS-EB: Bgolden ear-drops
Elatine brachyspermaCNPS-EB: A1waterwort
Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularisCNPS-EB: Bneedle spike-rush
Eleocharis parishiiCNPS-EB: A1Dombey's spike-rush
Elymus elymoides var. elymoidesCNPS-EB: Bsquirreltail
Elymus multisetusCNPS-EB: B-PVbig squirreltail
Elymus trachycaulus subsp. trachycaulusCNPS-EB: A1slender wheat grass
Epilobium campestreCNPS-EB: Bsmooth boisduvalia
Epilobium cleistogamumCNPS-EB: A1cleistogamous boisduvalia
Epilobium torreyiCNPS-EB: A2narrow-leaved boisduvalia
Epipactis giganteaCNPS-EB: A1stream orchid
Equisetum laevigatumCNPS-EB: A2smooth scouring rush
Eragrostis hypnoidesCNPS-EB: A2
Eragrostis mexicana subsp. virescensCNPS-EB: A1Orcutt's eragrostis
Eriastrum abramsiiCNPS-EB: A2Abram's eriastrum
Eriastrum ertteraeCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
CESA Status: CE
Ertter's eriastrum
Ericameria arborescensCNPS-EB: B-PVgolden-fleece
Ericameria nauseosa var. mohavensisCNPS-EB: A2Mojave rabbitbrush, rubber rabbitbrush
Erigeron petrophilus var. petrophilusCNPS-EB: Brock daisy
Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicusCNPS-EB: Cfleabane
Eriogonum angulosumCNPS-EB: Bangle-stem wild buckwheat, angle-stemmed eriogonum
Eriogonum covilleanumCNPS-EB: A2Coville's wild buckwheat, Coville's eriogonum
Eriogonum gracile var. gracileCNPS-EB: Cslender woolly wild buckwheat, slender buckwheat
Eriogonum inerme var. inermeCNPS-EB: A1unarmed buckwheat
Eriogonum luteolum var. caninumCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Tiburon buckwheat
Eriogonum luteolum var. luteolumCNPS-EB: A2golden-carpet wild buckwheat, golden carpet
Eriogonum nudum var. psychicolaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G5T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
Antioch Dunes buckwheat
Eriogonum roseumCNPS-EB: A2wand wild buckwheat, virgate buckwheat
Eriogonum truncatumCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
Mount Diablo buckwheat
Eriogonum umbellatum var. bahiiformePreviously mis-recorded as var. smallianum which does not occur in the East BayCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Small's sulphur flower, bay buckwheat
Eriophyllum jepsoniiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Jepson's woolly sunflower
Eriophyllum lanatum var. achilleoidesCNPS-EB: Cwoolly sunflower
Eriophyllum staechadifoliumCNPS-EB: A2seaside woolly sunflower, lizard-tail
Eryngium aristulatum var. aristulatumCNPS-EB: A2
Eryngium aristulatum var. hooveriCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G5T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
Hoover's button-celery
Eryngium armatumCNPS-EB: A1coastal button-celery, coast coyote-thistle
Eryngium articulatumCNPS-EB: A1beethistle, coyote-thistle
Eryngium castrenseCNPS-EB: A2great valley coyote-thistle, Vasey's coyote-thistle
Eryngium jepsoniiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Eryngium spinosepalumCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Eryngium vaseyi var. vallicolaCNPS-EB: A1coyote-thistle, Vasey's coyote-thistle
Erysimum capitatum var. angustatum(ssp. capitatum is more commonCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G5T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
CESA Status: CE
Contra Costa wallflower
Erythranthe cf. scouleriCNPS-EB: A1
Erythranthe inconspicuaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
Erythranthe latidens(formerly Mimulus latidens)CNPS-EB: A1broad-toothed monkeyflower
Erythranthe nasutaCNPS-EB: Bshy monkeyflower
Eschscholzia caespitosaCNPS-EB: A1tufted poppy
Eschscholzia rhombipetalaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
diamond-petaled California poppy
Euonymus occidentalis var. occidentalisCNPS-EB: A1burning bush
Euphorbia ocellata subsp. ocellataCNPS-EB: Bvalley spurge
Euphorbia serpillifolia subsp. serpillifoliaCNPS-EB: Cthyme-leaved spurge
Extriplex joaquinanaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
San Joaquin spearscale, San Joaquin saltbush
Festuca californicaCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia fescue
Festuca elmeriCNPS-EB: A1Elmer's fescue
Festuca idahoensisCNPS-EB: B-PVIdaho fescue, blue bunchgrass
Festuca octofloraCNPS-EB: A2sixweeks grass, slender fescue
Festuca rubraCNPS-EB: B-PVred fescue
Forestiera pubescensCNPS-EB: B-PVdesert olive
Frangula californica subsp. tomentella(formerly Rhamnus t.)CNPS-EB: Bhoary coffeeberry
Fraxinus dipetalaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia ash, flowering ash
Fraxinus latifoliaCNPS-EB: BOregon ash
Fremontodendron californicumCNPS-EB: A1flannelbush
Fritillaria agrestisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Fritillaria liliaceaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
fragrant fritillary
Galium andrewsii subsp. gatenseCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
phlox-leaf serpentine bedstraw, serpentine bedstraw
Galium trifidum subsp. columbianumCNPS-EB: A1trifid bedstraw
Galium triflorumCNPS-EB: Bsweet-scented bedstraw
Garrya ellipticaCNPS-EB: B-PVsilk tassel bush
Garrya flavescensCNPS-EB: A2silk tassel bush
Gaultheria shallonCNPS-EB: A1salal
Gilia capitata subsp. capitataCNPS-EB: A1blue field gilia
Gilia capitata subsp. stamineaCNPS-EB: B-PVblue field gilia
Gilia tricolor subsp. diffusaCNPS-EB: Cbirds-eye gilia
Githopsis diffusa subsp. robustaCNPS-EB: A2southern bluecup
Githopsis specularioidesCNPS-EB: Bcommon bluecup
Glyceria leptostachyaCNPS-EB: A1narrow manna grass, Davy's mannagrass
Glycyrrhiza lepidotaCNPS-EB: Cwild licorice
Gratiola ebracteataCNPS-EB: A1bractless hedge-hyssop
Gruvelia pusilla(formerly Pectocarya pusilla)CNPS-EB: Blittle pectocarya
Gutierrezia californicaCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia matchweed
Helenium bigelovii(H. puberulum is more common)CNPS-EB: A2Bigelow's sneezeweed
Helianthella castaneaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Diablo helianthella
Helianthus californicusCNPS-EB: BCalifornia sunflower
Helianthus gracilentusCNPS-EB: Bslender sunflower
Hemizonia congesta subsp. lutescensCNPS-EB: Bhayfield tarweed
Hesperevax caulescens(H. sparsiflora is more commonCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
hogwallow starfish
Hesperolinon breweriCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Brewer's western flax
Hesperolinon californicumCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia dwarf flax
Hesperolinon micranthumCNPS-EB: A2small-flowered dwarf flax
Heterotheca sessiliflora subsp. bolanderi(H. s. ssp. echioides is moreCNPS-EB: CBolander goldenaster
Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Hieracium albiflorumCNPS-EB: Cwhite hawkweed
Hoita macrostachyaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia hemp
Holocarpha obconicaCNPS-EB: BSan Joaquin tarplant
Hordeum brachyantherum subsp. californicum(ssp. brachyantherum is more commonCNPS-EB: A1California barley
Hordeum depressumCNPS-EB: Blow barley, alkali barley
Hordeum jubatum subsp. jubatumCNPS-EB: A2foxtail barley, squirreltail barley
Horkelia californica var. elataCNPS-EB: A2tall horkelia
Horkelia californica var. frondosaCNPS-EB: Bleafy horkelia
Hosackia crassifolia var. crassifoliaCNPS-EB: A2broad-leaved lotus
Hydrocotyle ranunculoidesCNPS-EB: A2floating marsh pennywort
Hydrocotyle verticillataCNPS-EB: Bwhorled marsh pennywort
Hydrophyllum occidentaleCNPS-EB: A1western waterleaf
Idahoa scapigeraCNPS-EB: A1flat-pod
Iris douglasianaCNPS-EB: BDouglas iris
Iris longipetalaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
coast iris
Isoetes howelliiCNPS-EB: A1Howell's quillwort
Isolepis carinata(formerly Scirpus koilolepis)CNPS-EB: A1dwarf club-rush
Isolepis cernua(formerly Scirpus cernuus)CNPS-EB: Clow club-rush
Juncus lescuriiCNPS-EB: A1San Francisco rush, salt rush
Juncus mexicanusCNPS-EB: CMexican rush
Juncus oxymerisCNPS-EB: A1pointed rush
Juncus phaeocephalus var. paniculatusCNPS-EB: Bpanicled rush, brown-headed rush
Juncus phaeocephalus var. phaeocephalusCNPS-EB: Bbrownheaded rush
Juncus phaeocephalus var. unknownCNPS-EB: A2?brown-headed rush
Juniperus californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia juniper
Keckiella corymbosaCNPS-EB: Credwood penstemon
Koeleria macranthaCNPS-EB: B-PVjune grass
Kopsiopsis strobilacea(formerly Boschniakia strobilacea)CNPS-EB: A1California ground-cone
Lastarriaea coriaceaCNPS-EB: A2leather-spineflower, lastarriaea
Lasthenia conjugensCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
Contra Costa goldfields
Lasthenia ferrisiaeCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Ferris' goldfields
Lasthenia glaberrimaCNPS-EB: Bsmooth goldfields
Lasthenia glabrata subsp. glabrataCNPS-EB: A2yellow-ray goldfields
Lasthenia microglossaCNPS-EB: A2small-ray goldfields
Lasthenia platycarphaCNPS-EB: A1alkali goldfields
Lathyrus jepsonii var. californicusCNPS-EB: Bbuff pea
Lathyrus jepsonii var. jepsoniiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
delta tule pea, Delta tule pea
Layia chrysanthemoidesCNPS-EB: A2smooth layia
Layia gaillardioidesCNPS-EB: A2woodland layia
Layia hieracioidesCNPS-EB: B-PVtall layia
Layia platyglossaCNPS-EB: B-PVtidy-tips
Leersia oryzoidesCNPS-EB: A1rice cutgrass
Lepechinia calycinaCNPS-EB: Cpitcher sage
Lepidium acutidensCNPS-EB: Csharp-toothed pepper-grass
Lepidium dictyotumCNPS-EB: Balkali pepper-grass
Lepidium latipesCNPS-EB: B-PVdwarf peppergrass
Leptochloa fusca subsp. fascicularisCNPS-EB: A2bearded sprangletop
Leptochloa fusca subsp. uninerviaCNPS-EB: A1mexican sprangletop, dense-flowered sprangle-top
Leptosiphon ambiguus(formerly Linanthus a.)CNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
serpentine leptosiphon, serpentine linanthus
Leptosiphon androsaceus(formerly Linanthus a.)CNPS-EB: Ccommon linanthus, common leptosiphon
Leptosiphon bolanderi(formerly Linanthus b.)CNPS-EB: A1Bolander's linanthus, Bolander's leptosiphon
Leptosiphon ciliatus(formerly Linanthus c.)CNPS-EB: Cwhisker brush
Leptosiphon parviflorus(formerly Linanthus p.)CNPS-EB: A2small-flowered linanthus, small-flowered leptosiphon
Leptosiphon pygmaeus subsp. continentalis(formerly Linanthus p. ssp. c.CNPS-EB: Bpygmy linanthus, pygmy leptosiphon
Lessingia pectinata var. tenuipesCNPS-EB: A2valley lessingia
Lewisia rediviva var. redivivaCNPS-EB: A2bitterroot
Ligusticum apiifoliumCNPS-EB: A2Pacific lovage
Lilaeopsis masoniiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
CESA Status: CR
Mason's lilaeopsis
Lilium pardalinum subsp. pardalinumCNPS-EB: A1leopard lily
Limonium californicumCNPS-EB: B-PVwestern marsh-rosemary, sea-lavender, ma
Lithophragma bolanderiCNPS-EB: A1Bolander starflower
Lithophragma parviflorum var. parviflorumCNPS-EB: B-PVprairie star
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifoliumCNPS-EB: Bcaraway-leaved lomatium
Lupinus affinisCNPS-EB: A1lupine
Lupinus arboreusCNPS-EB: A2yellow bush lupine
Lupinus concinnusCNPS-EB: A1Bajada lupine
Lupinus pachylobusCNPS-EB: Bbig pod lupine
Luzula macranthaCNPS-EB: C
Lycopus americanusCNPS-EB: A2cutleaf bugleweed
Lycopus asperCNPS-EB: A1bugleweed
Lysimachia maritimaCNPS-EB: A1sea-milkwort
Lysimachia minima(formerly Anagallis minima, Centunculus minimus)CNPS-EB: A1chaffweed
Lythrum californicumCNPS-EB: BCalifornia loosestrife
Madia exiguaCNPS-EB: C
Malacothamnus fremontii var. fremontiiCNPS-EB: B-PVwhite-coat mallow
Malacothamnus hallii(M. fasciculatus in Jepson ManCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Hall's bush-mallow
Malacothrix clevelandiiCNPS-EB: A2Cleveland's malacothrix
Malacothrix flocciferaCNPS-EB: Cwoolly malacothrix
Marah oreganaCNPS-EB: Bcoast man-root
Meconella oreganaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Oregon meconella
Melica californicaCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia melic
Melica subulataCNPS-EB: A1
Mentha canadensisCNPS-EB: BAmerican cornmint, Japanese peppermint
Mentzelia affinisCNPS-EB: Bhydra stick-leaf
Mentzelia dispersaCNPS-EB: A2Nada stick-leaf
Mentzelia micranthaCNPS-EB: A2small-flowered stick-leaf
Micropus californicus var. subvestitus(var. californicus is more common)CNPS-EB: A2slender cottonweed
Microseris acuminataCNPS-EB: A1Sierra Foothills microseris
Microseris campestrisCNPS-EB: A1San Joaquin microseris
Microseris douglasii subsp. tenella(subsp douglasii is more common)CNPS-EB: A2silver puffs
Microseris sylvaticaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
sylvan microseris
Moehringia macrophyllaCNPS-EB: A2large-leaved sandwort, big-leaf sandwort
Monardella douglasiiCNPS-EB: A2fenestra monardella, Fenestra monardella
Monolepis nuttallianaCNPS-EB: A1Nuttall's poverty weed, poverty weed
Monolopia gracilensCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
woodland woollythreads, woodland monolopia
Monolopia majorCNPS-EB: Bcupped monolopia
Montia fontanaCNPS-EB: B-PVwater chickweed, blinks, water chickweed
Morella californica(formerly Myrica c.)CNPS-EB: Bwax myrtle
Muilla maritimaCNPS-EB: Bcommon muilla
Myosurus minimus subsp. minimusCNPS-EB: B-PVcommon mouse-tail
Myosurus sessilisCNPS-EB: A2sessile mouse-tail
Myriopteris covilleiCNPS-EB: B-PVCoville's lip fern
Myriopteris gracillimaCNPS-EB: A1lace fern
Myriopteris intertextaCNPS-EB: Bcoastal lip fern
Navarretia atractyloidesCNPS-EB: A2holly-leaved navarretia
Navarretia cotulifoliaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
cotula navarretia
Navarretia goweniiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
Lime Ridge navarretia
Navarretia hamata subsp. parvilobaCNPS-EB: A1hooked navarretia
Navarretia heterandraCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
Tehama navarretia
Navarretia intertextaCNPS-EB: A2needle-leaved navarretia
Navarretia mellitaCNPS-EB: Choney-scented navarretia
Navarretia nigelliformis subsp. radiansCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G4T2T3
CNDDB Rank: S2S3
shining navarretia
Navarretia pubescensCNPS-EB: Cdowny navarretia
Navarretia viscidulaCNPS-EB: A2sticky navarretia
Nemophila parviflora var. parvifloraCNPS-EB: Bsmall-flowered nemophila
Nemophila pedunculataCNPS-EB: Bmeadow nemophila
Nicotiana quadrivalvisCNPS-EB: Bindian tobacco
Nitrophila occidentalisCNPS-EB: A1nitrophila
Nuttallanthus texanusCNPS-EB: A2blue toadflax
Oenothera deltoides subsp. cognataCNPS-EB: A1desert evening-primrose
Oenothera deltoides subsp. howelliiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G5T1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FE
CESA Status: CE
Antioch Dunes evening-primrose
Oenothera deltoides subsp. julpunensisCNPS-EB: A1
Oenothera elata subsp. hookeriCNPS-EB: Cevening-primrose
Osmorhiza brachypodaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia cicely
Oxalis pilosa(formerly O. albicans ssp. p.)CNPS-EB: Bhairy wood-sorrel
Packera breweri(formerly Senecio b.)CNPS-EB: B-PVBrewer's ragwort, Brewer's butterweed
Panicum capillareCNPS-EB: A2witch grass
Papaver californicumCNPS-EB: Bfire poppy
Parietaria hespera var. californicaCNPS-EB: A1California pellitory
Pectocarya penicillataCNPS-EB: A2northern pectocarya, winged pectocarya
Pediomelum californicumCNPS-EB: A2indian breadroot
Penstemon centranthifoliusCNPS-EB: Bscarlet bugler
Penstemon heterophyllus var. heterophyllusCNPS-EB: Bchaparral penstemon
Penstemon heterophyllus var. purdyiCNPS-EB: A2foothill penstemon
Pentachaeta alsinoidesCNPS-EB: B-PVtiny pentachaeta
Perideridia californicaCNPS-EB: CCalifornia yampah
Perideridia oreganaCNPS-EB: A2yampah
Persicaria hydropiperoides(formerly Polygonum h.)CNPS-EB: A2false waterpepper, water-pepper
Persicaria lapathifolia(formerly Polygonum lapathifolCNPS-EB: Bwillow weed
Persicaria punctata(formerly Polygonum punctatum)CNPS-EB: Cwater smartweed
Petasites frigidus var. palmatusCNPS-EB: A1western sweet coltsfoot, coltsfoot
Phacelia breweriCNPS-EB: B-PVBrewer's phacelia
Phacelia ciliataCNPS-EB: BGreat Valley phacelia, Great Valley phacelia
Phacelia divaricataCNPS-EB: B-PVdivaricate phacelia
Phacelia malvifolia var. malvifoliaCNPS-EB: A2stinging phacelia
Phacelia phacelioidesCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Mount Diablo phacelia
Phacelia rattaniiCNPS-EB: BRattan's phacelia
Phacelia suaveolensCNPS-EB: A1sweet-scented phacelia
Phacelia tanacetifoliaCNPS-EB: Btansy phacelia
Phalaris arundinaceaCNPS-EB: A1reed canary grass
Phalaris lemmoniiCNPS-EB: A1Lemmon's canary-grass
Phoradendron leucarpum subsp. macrophyllum(formerly P. serotinum subsp. macrophyllum, P. macrophyllum)CNPS-EB: Cbig leaf mistletoe
Phragmites australisCNPS-EB: B-PVcommon reed
Pickeringia montana var. montanaCNPS-EB: B-PVchaparral pea
Pinus attenuataCNPS-EB: A1knobcone pine
Pinus coulteriCNPS-EB: B-PVCoulter pine
Piperia elegans subsp. elegansCNPS-EB: Ccoast piperia, elegant piperia
Piperia elongataCNPS-EB: Cchaparral orchid, wood rein-orchid, elongate piperia
Piperia michaeliiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
Michael's rein-orchid
Piperia transversaCNPS-EB: Bflat spurred piperia, transverse piperia
Piperia unalascensisCNPS-EB: A1Alaska piperia, slender-spire orchid
Plagiobothrys acanthocarpusCNPS-EB: B-PVadobe popcornflower, adobe allocarya
Plagiobothrys canescens var. canescensCNPS-EB: Cvalley popcornflower
Plagiobothrys fulvus var. campestrisCNPS-EB: Bfield popcornflower, fulvous popcornflower
Plagiobothrys humistratusCNPS-EB: A2low popcornflower, dwarf allocarya
Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. stipitatus(var. micranthus is more commoCNPS-EB: Cshowy great valley popcornflower, stipitate allocarya
Plagiobothrys tenellusCNPS-EB: BPacific popcornflower, slender popcornflower
Plagiobothrys trachycarpusCNPS-EB: Crough-nutlet popcornflower, rough-fruited allocarya
Plagiobothrys undulatusCNPS-EB: A2wavy-stemmed popcornflower, coast allocarya
Plantago elongataCNPS-EB: B-PVannual coast plantain
Plantago maritimaCNPS-EB: A1Pacific seaside plantain
Plantago subnudaCNPS-EB: A2Mexican plantain
Platanus racemosaCNPS-EB: Cwestern sycamore, California sycamore
Pleuropogon californicus var. californicusCNPS-EB: B-PVsemaphore grass
Pluchea odorata var. odorataCNPS-EB: B-PVsaltmarsh fleabane
Poa howelliiCNPS-EB: A2Howell's bluegrass
Pogogyne zizyphoroidesCNPS-EB: A2Sacramento beardstyle
Polypodium scouleriCNPS-EB: A1leather-leaf fern
Polystichum californicumCNPS-EB: A1California sword fern
Populus trichocarpa(formerly P. balsamifera var.CNPS-EB: Cblack cottonwood
Potentilla anserina subsp. pacificaCNPS-EB: A2Pacific silverweed
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata(var. vulgaris is more common)CNPS-EB: Bselfheal
Prunus emarginataCNPS-EB: Cbitter cherry
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. ilicifoliaCNPS-EB: Bislay, holly-leafed cherry
Prunus subcordataCNPS-EB: CPacific plum, Sierra plum
Pseudognaphalium beneolens(formerly Gnaphalium canescensCNPS-EB: Cfragrant everlasting
Pseudognaphalium biolettii(formerly Gnaphalium bicolor)CNPS-EB: A1Bioletti's cudweed
Pseudognaphalium microcephalum(formerly Gnaphalium canescensCNPS-EB: A1white everlasting
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimusCNPS-EB: Bdwarf woollyheads, dwarf woolly-marbles
Psilocarphus oregonusCNPS-EB: A2Oregon woollyheads, Oregon woolly-marbles
Puccinellia simplexCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
little alkali grass
Quercus berberidifoliaCNPS-EB: Cscrub oak
Quercus durata var. durataCNPS-EB: Bleather oak
Quercus garryana var. garryanaCNPS-EB: BOregon oak
Quercus lobataCNPS-EB: Cvalley oak, roble
Quercus palmeriCNPS-EB: A2Palmer's oak
Quercus parvula var. shreveiCNPS-EB: A1island scrub oak
Quercus wislizeni var. frutescensCNPS-EB: Cshrubby interior live oak
Ranunculus canus var. canusCNPS-EB: CSacramento Valley buttercup
Ranunculus lobbiiCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S3
Lobb's aquatic buttercup
Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalisCNPS-EB: Bwestern buttercup
Rhamnus croceaCNPS-EB: B-PVspiny redberry
Rhinotropis californica(formerly Polygala californica)CNPS-EB: A2California milkwort
Rhus aromatica(formerly R. trilobata)CNPS-EB: Cskunk bush, skunkbrush, squawbush
Ribes divaricatum var. pubiflorumCNPS-EB: Cstraggle bush, straggly gooseberry
Ribes malvaceum var. malvaceumCNPS-EB: Cchaparral currant
Ribes quercetorumCNPS-EB: A2oakwoods gooseberry, oak gooseberry
Rigiopappus leptocladusCNPS-EB: Crigiopappus
Romanzoffia californicaCNPS-EB: A1Suksdorf's romanzoffia
Rorippa curvisiliquaCNPS-EB: Byellow cress
Rorippa palustris subsp. palustrisCNPS-EB: Bmarsh yellow-cress
Rosa spithameaCNPS-EB: Ccoast ground rose, ground rose
Rumex californicus(formerly R. salicifolius var. dentatus)CNPS-EB: B-PVwillow dock
Rumex crassus(formerly R. salicifolius var. crassusCNPS-EB: A2willow dock
Rumex fueginusCNPS-EB: A2golden dock
Rumex occidentalisCNPS-EB: A2western dock
Rumex salicifolius(formerly R. salicifolius var. salicifolius)CNPS-EB: Bwillow dock
Rumex transitoriusCNPS-EB: Bwillow dock
Sagina decumbens subsp. occidentalis(S. apetala is more common)CNPS-EB: Bwestern pearlwort
Sagittaria montevidensis subsp. calycinaCNPS-EB: A1
Salix gooddingiiCNPS-EB: BGoodding's black willow
Salix scoulerianaCNPS-EB: A2Scouler's willow
Salvia spathaceaCNPS-EB: A1California hummingbird sage, hummingbird sage
Sambucus racemosa var. racemosaCNPS-EB: Bred elderberry
Samolus parviflorusCNPS-EB: A1seaside brookweed, water-pimpernel
Sanicula laciniataCNPS-EB: A2coast sanicle
Sanicula saxatilisCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
CESA Status: CR
rock sanicle
Scirpus microcarpusCNPS-EB: Csmall-fruited bulrush
Scribneria bolanderiCNPS-EB: BScribner's grass
Scutellaria californicaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia skullcap
Scutellaria tuberosaCNPS-EB: CDannie's skullcap
Sedella pentandra(formorely Parvisedum pentandrCNPS-EB: A1Mount Hamilton sedella
Sedum radiatum subsp. radiatum(formerly S. radiatum)CNPS-EB: A2coast range stonecrop, star-fruited stonecrop
Sedum spathulifoliumCNPS-EB: Bbroadleaf stonecrop, Pacific stonecrop
Senecio aronicoidesCNPS-EB: B-PVrayless ragwort, California butterweed
Senecio flaccidus var. douglasiiCNPS-EB: A2Douglas' threadleaf ragwort, shrubby butterweed
Senecio hydrophilusCNPS-EB: A2water ragwort, alkali-marsh ragwort, alkali-marsh butterweed
Sequoia sempervirensCNPS-EB: Bcoast redwood
Sesuvium verrucosumCNPS-EB: Bwestern sea-purslane, sea-purslane
Setaria parvifloraCNPS-EB: Bknotroot bristle grass, perennial foxtail
Sidalcea diploscyphaCNPS-EB: A2fringed checkerbloom, fringed sidalcea
Silene laciniata subsp. californica(formerly Silene c.)CNPS-EB: CIndian pink, California pink, California Indian pink
Silene verecundaCNPS-EB: A1San Francisco campion, Cuyamaca campion
Sisyrinchium californicumCNPS-EB: A1golden-eyed-grass
Sium suaveCNPS-EB: A1hemlock water-parsnip
Sparganium eurycarpum var. eurycarpumCNPS-EB: A1bur-reed
Spartina foliosaCNPS-EB: BCalifornia cord grass
Spergularia macrotheca var. leucanthaCNPS-EB: A1large-flowered sand spurry
Spergularia macrotheca var. longistylaCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
large-flowered sand spurry
Spergularia macrotheca var. macrothecaCNPS-EB: A2large-flowered sand spurry
Spiranthes romanzoffianaCNPS-EB: A1hooded ladies' tresses
Stachys ajugoides(var. rigida is more common)CNPS-EB: A2bugle hedge nettle
Stachys albensCNPS-EB: Bwhite hedge nettle
Stebbinsoseris heterocarpaCNPS-EB: Cgrassland silverpuffs, derived microseris
Stellaria nitensCNPS-EB: B-PVshining chickweed
Stipa cernuaCNPS-EB: B-PVnodding needlegrass
Stipa lepidaCNPS-EB: B-PVfoothill needlegrass
Stipa pulchraCNPS-EB: B-PVpurple needlegrass
Streptanthus albidus subsp. peramoenusCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2T2
CNDDB Rank: S2
most beautiful jewel-flower
Streptanthus breweriCNPS-EB: A1Brewer's streptanthus
Streptanthus glandulosus subsp. glandulosusCNPS-EB: B-PVjewelflower
Streptanthus hispidusCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.3
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Mount Diablo jewelflower
Stylocline gnaphaloidesCNPS-EB: Beverlasting neststraw, nest-straw
Suaeda nigra(formerly S. moquinii)CNPS-EB: Bbush seepweed
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium(formerly Aster lanceolatus ssCNPS-EB: A2marsh aster
Symphyotrichum lentum(formerly Aster lentus)CNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
Suisun marsh aster
Symphyotrichum subulatum var. parviflorum(formerly Aster subulatus var.CNPS-EB: Bslim aster
Tellima grandifloraCNPS-EB: Cfringe cups
Tetrapteron graciliflorumCNPS-EB: B-PVhill sun cup
Thysanocarpus laciniatusCNPS-EB: Blacepod
Thysanocarpus radiansCNPS-EB: A1ribbed fringe pod
Tonella tenellaCNPS-EB: B-PVsmall-flowered tonella
Trifolium barbigerumCNPS-EB: A2bearded clover
Trifolium depauperatum var. depauperatum(vars. amplectens and truncatuCNPS-EB: Bdwarf sack clover
Trifolium dichotomumCNPS-EB: Cbranched indian clover
Trifolium fucatumCNPS-EB: Bbull clover
Trifolium macraeiCNPS-EB: A1Macrae's clover, double-headed clover
Trifolium obtusiflorumCNPS-EB: Bclammy clover, creek clover
Trifolium oliganthumCNPS-EB: Cfew-flowered clover
Trifolium olivaceumCNPS-EB: Colive clover
Trifolium wormskioldiiCNPS-EB: A1cow clover
Triglochin maritimaCNPS-EB: Ccommon arrow-grass, seaside arrow-grass
Triglochin scilloidesCNPS-EB: Cflowering-quillwort
Triglochin striata(T. maritima is more common)CNPS-EB: Bthree-ribbed arrow-grass
Trillium ovatum subsp. ovatumCNPS-EB: A2white trillium
Triodanis bifloraCNPS-EB: A2Venus' looking-glass
Triphysaria versicolor subsp. faucibarbataCNPS-EB: Bsmooth owl's-clover
Trisetum canescensCNPS-EB: A2tall trisetum
Tropidocarpum capparideumCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
caper-fruited tropidocarpum
Tropidocarpum gracileCNPS-EB: B-PVslender tropidocarpum
Turritis glabraCNPS-EB: Btower mustard
Vaccinium ovatumCNPS-EB: B-PVCalifornia huckleberry
Verbena hastataCNPS-EB: A1blue vervain
Viburnum ellipticumCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 2B.3
Global Rank: G4G5
CNDDB Rank: S3
oval-leaved viburnum
Vicia hasseiCNPS-EB: A2slender vetch
Viola adunca subsp. aduncaCNPS-EB: A1western blue violet
Viola glabellaCNPS-EB: A2stream violet, smooth yellow violet
Viola purpurea subsp. quercetorumCNPS-EB: Cmountain violet
Viola sempervirensCNPS-EB: A2evergreen violet, redwood violet
Viola sheltoniiCNPS-EB: A2Shelton's violet, fan violet
Wolffia brasiliensisCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 2B.3
Global Rank: G5
CNDDB Rank: S2
Wyethia glabra(W. helenioides is more commonCNPS-EB: Cmule ears
Zeltnera davyi(formerly Centaurium d.)CNPS-EB: BDavy's centaury, conchalagua
Acmispon denticulatus(historical-1945)CNPS-EB: A1xmeadow trefoil
Acmispon junceus var. biolettii(historical-1945)CNPS-EB: A1xrush lotus
Allium crispumCNPS-EB: A1crinkled onion
Allium peninsulare var. peninsulare(historical-1954)CNPS-EB: A1xpeninsular onion
Amsinckia tessellata var. gloriosaCNPS-EB: A1carrizo fiddleneck, tessellate fiddleneck
Anthoxanthum occidentale(historical-198? but not seenCNPS-EB: A1xCalifornia sweet grass, vanilla grass
Arabis blepharophyllaCNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
coast rockcress
Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. cushingianaCNPS-EB: A1xCUSHING MANZANITA
Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. mollisCNPS-EB: A1x
Arthrocnemum subterminaleCNPS-EB: A2Parish's glasswort
Astragalus didymocarpus var. didymocarpus(A. gambelianus is more commonCNPS-EB: A1two-seeded milkvetch
Athysanus unilateralis(formerly Heterodraba unilateralis)CNPS-EB: A1heterodraba
Atriplex serenana var. serenanaCNPS-EB: A1bractscale
Berberis aquifolium var. dictyotaCNPS-EB: A1Jepson's mahonia
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis(formerly Scirpus f.)CNPS-EB: A1xriver bulrush
Calystegia purpurata subsp. saxicola(historical-1893) (ssp. purpurCNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G4T2T3
CNDDB Rank: S2S3
coastal bluff morning-glory
Camissonia campestris subsp. campestris(historical-1940)CNPS-EB: A1xMojave suncup
Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia subsp. cheiranthifoliaCNPS-EB: A1dune suncup
Carex comosaCNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 2B.1
Global Rank: G5
CNDDB Rank: S2
bristly sedge
Chaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriusculaCNPS-EB: A1yellow pincushion
Chaenactis glabriuscula var. megacephalaCNPS-EB: A1yellow pincushion
Chenopodium berlandieri var. unknownSplit into 2 varieties. Sites need to be surveyed to determine vars..CNPS-EB: A2?pitseed goosefoot
Chorizanthe polygonoides var. polygonoidesCNPS-EB: A1knotweed spineflower
Chorizanthe uniaristata(historical-1884)CNPS-EB: A1xone-awn spineflower
Clarkia breweriCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4
CNDDB Rank: S4
Brewer's clarkia
Claytonia exigua subsp. glauca(ssp. exigua is more common)CNPS-EB: A1xclaytonia
Claytonia rubra subsp. depressaCNPS-EB: A1xminer's lettuce
Collinsia bartsiifolia var. bartsiifoliaCNPS-EB: A1xwhite Chinese houses
Collinsia parvifloraCNPS-EB: Bblue-eyed Mary
Corallorhiza maculata var. maculata(forma immaculata is more commCNPS-EB: A2spotted coralroot
Corethrogyne filaginifolia(formerly Lessingia f. var. f.CNPS-EB: CCalifornia aster
Crassula solieri(C. connata and aquatica are more common)CNPS-EB: A1xpygmy-weed
Cryptantha hooveri(historical-1908)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 1A
Global Rank: GH
Hoover's cryptantha
Cuscuta occidentalis(formerly C. californica var.CNPS-EB: A1xCalifornia dodder
Delphinium parryi subsp. parryiCNPS-EB: A2Parry's larkspur
Delphinium recurvatumCNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2?
CNDDB Rank: S2
recurved larkspur
Descurainia pinnata subsp. brachycarpaCNPS-EB: A1xtansy mustard
Dichelostemma multiflorumCNPS-EB: A1xwild hyacinth, many-flowered brodiaea
Diplacus bolanderi(formerly Mimulus b.)CNPS-EB: A1Bolander's monkeyflower
Diplacus kelloggii(formerly Mimulus kelloggii)CNPS-EB: A1xKellogg's monkeyflower
Diplacus tricolor(formerly Mimulus tricolor)CNPS-EB: A1xtricolor monkeyflower
Downingia bellaCNPS-EB: A1xHoover's downingia
Downingia cuspidataCNPS-EB: A1cuspidate downingia
Downingia ornatissima var. mirabilis(historical-1956; formerly D. ornatissima var. eximia)CNPS-EB: A1xSolano downingia
Elatine californicaCNPS-EB: A1waterwort
Eleocharis parvulaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 4.3
Global Rank: G5
CNDDB Rank: S3
small spikerush
Eleocharis rostellata(historical-1933)CNPS-EB: A1xbeaked spike-rush
Elymus stebbinsiiCNPS-EB: A1xStebbins' wheat grass, Parish's wheat-grass
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. watsonii(ssp. ciliatum is more common)CNPS-EB: A1San Francisco willowherb
Eriastrum pluriflorum subsp. pluriflorumCNPS-EB: A1many-flowered eriastrum
Eriogonum deserticolaCNPS-EB: A1xColorado desert wild buckwheat, desert eriogonum
Eriogonum nudum var. pubiflorumCNPS-EB: A1xFremont's wild buckwheat, naked-stemmed buckwheat
Eryngium racemosumCNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
CESA Status: CE
delta button-celery
Erythranthe microphyllaCNPS-EB: A1x
Garrya fremontiiCNPS-EB: A1xsilk tassel bush
Helianthella californica var. californicaCNPS-EB: A2California helianthella
Hesperevax acaulis var. ambusticola(H. sparsiflora is more commonCNPS-EB: A1xfire evax
Hesperomecon linearis(formerly Meconella l.) (histCNPS-EB: A1xnarrow-leaved meconella
Heterocodon rariflorumCNPS-EB: A1heterocodon
Heterotheca oregona var. scaberrimaCNPS-EB: A1Oregon goldenaster
Heterotheca sessiliflora var. bolanderioidesCNPS-EB: A1xgolden aster
Hoita orbicularis(historical-1936)CNPS-EB: A1xround-leaved psoralea
Holocarpha macradeniaCNPS-EB: *A1
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
CNDDB Rank: S1
FESA Status: FT
CESA Status: CE
Santa Cruz tarplant
Horkelia californica var. californicaCNPS-EB: A1California horkelia
Hypericum scouleriCNPS-EB: A1xScouler's st. john's wort, Scouler's St. John's wort
Juncus articulatus subsp. articulatusCNPS-EB: A1xjointed rush
Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis(historical-1895) (vars. bufonCNPS-EB: A1xwestern toad rush, toad rush
Juncus dubiusCNPS-EB: A1xmariposa rush, Mariposa rush
Laennecia coulteri(formerly Conyza c.)CNPS-EB: A2Coulter's horseweed, Coulter's conyza
Lasthenia fremontiiCNPS-EB: A1Fremont's goldfields
Lasthenia maritimaCNPS-EB: A1xmaritime goldfields, seaside goldfields, Farallon weed
Lasthenia minorCNPS-EB: A1coastal goldfields, woolly goldfields
Layia glandulosa(historical-1983 but not seenCNPS-EB: A1xwhite layia
Lepidium oblongum(historical-1937)CNPS-EB: A1xwayside pepper-grass
Lepidium oxycarpumCNPS-EB: A2sharp-podded pepper-grass
Leptosiphon grandiflorus(formerly Linanthus g.)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G3G4
CNDDB Rank: S3S4
large-flowered leptosiphon, large-flowered linanthus
Leptosiphon liniflorus(formerly Linanthus l.)CNPS-EB: A1flax-flowered linanthus, flax-flowered leptosiphon
Leptosyne calliopsidea(formerly Coreopsis c.)CNPS-EB: A1leafy-stemmed coreopsis
Leptosyne stillmanii(formerly Coreopsis s.)CNPS-EB: A1xStillman's coreopsis
Lessingia nanaCNPS-EB: A1xdwarf lessingia
Lessingia nemacladaCNPS-EB: A2slender-stemmed lessignia
Limnanthes douglasii subsp. douglasiiCNPS-EB: A1meadowfoam
Limnanthes douglasii subsp. niveaCNPS-EB: A1xmeadowfoam
Limnanthes douglasii subsp. roseaCNPS-EB: A1xmeadowfoam
Limosella acaulisCNPS-EB: A1southern mudwort
Limosella aquaticaCNPS-EB: A1xnorthern mudwort
Linanthus dichotomus subsp. meridianusCNPS-EB: A1
Linum lewisii var. lewisii(historical-1936)CNPS-EB: A1xwestern blue flax
Lithophragma cymbalaria(historical-1895)CNPS-EB: A1xmission star
Ludwigia palustrisCNPS-EB: A1xAmerican marsh purslane
Lupinus benthamii(historical-1955)CNPS-EB: A1xspider lupine
Lupinus chamissonis(historical-1963)CNPS-EB: A1xChamisso's bush lupine
Lupinus luteolusCNPS-EB: A1xbutter lupine
Madia anomalaCNPS-EB: A1xplump-seeded madia
Madia radiata(historical-1941)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 1B.1
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S3
showy golden madia, showy madia
Malacothrix californica(historical-1895)CNPS-EB: A1xCalifornia malacothrix
Malacothrix coulteriCNPS-EB: A1snake's-head
Matricaria occidentalis(formerly Chamomilla o.) (histCNPS-EB: A1xvalley mayweed, valley pineapple weed
Meconella californicaCNPS-EB: A1xCalifornia meconella
Melica bulbosaCNPS-EB: A1onion grass
Mentzelia lindleyiCNPS-EB: B-PVLindley's blazing star
Micropus amphibolus(historical - 1955)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 3.2
Global Rank: G3G4
CNDDB Rank: S3S4
Mount Diablo cottonseed, Mt. Diablo cottonweed
Microseris bigelovii(historical-1891)CNPS-EB: A1xcoast microseris
Microseris elegansCNPS-EB: A1elegant microseris
Monolopia lanceolataCNPS-EB: A1common hillside daisy, common monolopia
Montia linearis(historical-1933)CNPS-EB: A1xlinear-leaved montia
Navarretia nigelliformis subsp. nigelliformisCNPS-EB: *A2?
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G4T3
CNDDB Rank: S3
adobe navarretia
Navarretia tagetina(historical-1927)CNPS-EB: A1xmarigold navarretia
Oxalis oreganaCNPS-EB: A1redwood sorrel
Pentachaeta exilis subsp. exilisCNPS-EB: A1meager pentachaeta
Perideridia gairdneri subsp. gairdneriCNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 4.2
Global Rank: G5T3T4
CNDDB Rank: S3S4
Gairdner's yampah
Phacelia douglasiiCNPS-EB: A1Douglas' phacelia
Phacelia ramosissimaCNPS-EB: A2branching phacelia
Phalaris californica(historical-1943)CNPS-EB: A1xCalifornia canary grass
Phyla lanceolataCNPS-EB: A1xfog-fruit
Pilularia americanaCNPS-EB: A1pillwort
Plagiobothrys infectivusCNPS-EB: A1xdye popcornflower
Plagiobothrys leptocladusCNPS-EB: A1alkali plagiobothrys
Plectritis congesta subsp. congestaCNPS-EB: A1xsea blush
Pogogyne douglasii(historical-1940)CNPS-EB: A1xDouglas' beardstyle, Douglas pogogyne
Potamogeton zosteriformis(historical-1949)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 2B.2
Global Rank: G5
CNDDB Rank: S3
eel-grass pondweed
Psilocarphus chilensis(formerly P. tenellus var. gloCNPS-EB: A1round woolly marbles, round woolly-marbles
Ranunculus orthorhynchus var. bloomeriCNPS-EB: A1xBloomer's buttercup
Ribes aureum var. gracillimumCNPS-EB: A2golden currant
Rubus spectabilisCNPS-EB: A1xsalmonberry
Sabulina californica(formerly Minuartia californica)CNPS-EB: A1California sandwort
Sabulina pusilla(formerly Minuartia pusilla)CNPS-EB: A1annual sandwort, least sandwort
Sagittaria latifoliaCNPS-EB: A1xarrowhead
Salvia carduacea(historical-1946)CNPS-EB: A1xthistle sage
Scutellaria galericulata(historical-1949)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 2B.2
Global Rank: G5
CNDDB Rank: S2
marsh skullcap
Senecio aphanactisCNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 2B.2
Global Rank: G3
CNDDB Rank: S2
chaparral ragwort, rayless ragwort
Silene antirrhinaCNPS-EB: A1sleepy catchfly, snapdragon catchfly
Sporobolus airoidesCNPS-EB: A1alkali sacaton
Stephanomeria elataCNPS-EB: A1stephanomeria
Stuckenia filiformis subsp. alpina(formerly Potamogeton f.)CNPS-EB: *A1x
State CNPS: 2B.2
Global Rank: G5T5
CNDDB Rank: S2S3
slender-leaved potamogeton
Tolmiea diplomenziesiiCNPS-EB: A1xpig-a-back plant
Trianthema portulacastrumCNPS-EB: A1xhorse purslane
Trifolium hydrophilum(vars. amplectens and truncatuCNPS-EB: *A2
State CNPS: 1B.2
Global Rank: G2
CNDDB Rank: S2
saline clover
Viola purpurea subsp. purpureaCNPS-EB: A1mountain violet
Zeltnera trichantha(formerly Centaurium tricanthuCNPS-EB: A1xalkali centaury